concept   city traffic
statement   In the United Arab Emirates, city traffic culture prioritizes private vehicles, especially cars and luxury transport, due to the modern infrastructure.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 city traffic United Arab Emirates Influenced by modern infrastructure and planning, with a strong reliance on private vehicles and luxury transport 1
2 driving and traffic United Arab Emirates High reliance on cars and extensive highway systems 1
3 obeying traffic laws United Arab Emirates Generally observed as a means of maintaining traffic flow and order 1
4 traffic congestion United Arab Emirates Influenced by specific working hours and business schedules 1
5 traffic flow United Arab Emirates Cycling as a mode of transport is less common and has minimal impact on traffic flow 1
6 traffic laws UAE Priority given to vehicles over pedestrians 1
7 traffic management in urban areas UAE Reliance on extensive road networks and car-centric urban planning for traffic management in urban areas 1
8 traffic patterns United Arab Emirates High dependency on cars due to extreme weather conditions and urban design 1