concept   traffic
culture   Netherlands
statement   Netherlands places high emphasis on cycling with dedicated lanes, traffic circles, and strict regulations for cyclists.

8 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 driving and traffic Netherlands Emphasis on cycling and extensive bike lanes 1
2 driving and traffic Netherlands Emphasis on public transportation and limited car ownership 1
3 traffic Netherlands Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation, and traffic is well-organized with dedicated lanes for cyclists. 1
4 traffic Netherlands Cycling is a common mode of transportation and cyclists have right of way in many cases 1
5 traffic circles Netherlands Traffic circles are prevalent and are referred to as 'verkeersplein' and 'Kreisverkehr' respectively. 1
6 traffic flow Netherlands Cyclists are an integral part of the traffic flow 1
7 traffic management in urban areas Netherlands Extensive use of dedicated bicycle lanes and strict regulations for cyclists in urban traffic management 1
8 traffic patterns Netherlands Heavy use of bicycles and well-developed biking infrastructure 1