concept   success
culture   Western countries
statement   Success in Western countries is frequently linked to personal accomplishments, financial prosperity, and material possessions.

29 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 definition of success Western countries Success is often associated with individual achievements and material wealth. 1
2 perception of success Western countries Success is often associated with financial wealth and material possessions. 1
3 perception of success Western countries Success is often associated with education, social connections, and cultural refinement. 1
4 striving to succeed Western countries Highly valued and praised, seen as a sign of ambition and work ethic. 1
5 striving to succeed Western countries Encouraged and admired, often viewed as the key to personal fulfillment and happiness. 1
6 striving to succeed Western cultures Valued and encouraged as a key to personal and professional fulfillment. 1
7 striving to succeed Western cultures Valued and encouraged, often associated with ambition, hard work, and determination 1
8 success Modern Western cultures Individual achievement and financial prosperity are often emphasized. 1
9 success Western countries Success is often associated with individual achievement and financial wealth. 1
10 success Western countries Success is often associated with material wealth, career accomplishments, and social status. 1
11 success Western countries Success is often associated with achieving financial wealth and career advancement. 1
12 success Western culture Individual achievement and wealth are often seen as indicators of success in Western cultures. 1
13 success Western culture Success is often associated with career achievements and financial wealth. 1
14 success Western culture Financial wealth and material possessions are indicators of success 1
15 success Western cultures Success often associated with wealth, power, and material achievements. 1
16 success Western cultures Emphasizes individual achievements and material wealth in Western cultures, while communal well-being and societal contributions are more valued in African cultures 1
17 success Western societies Success is often measured by financial achievement, career status, and material possessions 1
18 success Western societies Often associated with individual achievement and material wealth 1
19 success western culture Success is often measured by tangible achievements, like wealth and status. 1
20 success western cultures Success is achieved through hard work and perseverance 1
21 success western cultures Success is often measured by individual accomplishments and wealth. 1
22 successful Western Success often equated with wealth, power, and achievement of personal goals in American and Western cultures. 1
23 successful Western countries Success is often associated with financial wealth and career achievements. 1
24 successful Western countries High income, prestigious career, and material wealth are often indicators of success. 1
25 successful Western countries Success is often associated with individual achievement, wealth, and material possessions. 1
26 successful Western cultures Being financially successful is often seen as a key indicator of personal success. 1
27 successful endeavor Western countries Individual achievement is highly valued, and success is often measured by personal fulfillment and material wealth. 1
28 successful endeavor Western countries Success is often associated with achieving financial gain or recognition in a competitive society. 1
29 successful endeavor Western countries Individual achievement and hard work are often emphasized, and success is seen as the result of personal effort and determination. 1