concept   steam
culture   tropical countries
statement   Steam is rarely used for heating or cooking in tropical countries due to the warm climate.

7 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 boiler Tropical countries Rarely used due to the warm climate, primarily in commercial/industrial settings rather than households 1
2 boiler Tropical countries Uncommon household item due to the warm climate 1
3 boiler Tropical countries Uncommon household item due to the warm climate and lack of necessity for central heating 1
4 steam Tropical countries Steam is not a common method for heating due to the warm climate. 1
5 steam tropical countries Associated with humidity and hot weather, often used for cooking in steamy dishes in Thailand. 1
6 steam tropical countries Less commonly used and less integral to daily life due to the warmer climate. 1
7 steam tropical countries Not commonly used for heating or cooking due to the warm climate 1