concept   neuron
culture   Eastern countries
statement   Neurons are studied in Eastern traditional medicine but are less commonly known outside professional and scientific communities.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 motor neuron Eastern countries Eastern cultures may have less specific or different traditional knowledge and beliefs about motor neurons compared to Western cultures. 1
2 motor neuron Eastern countries Motor neurons are known for their role in connecting the brain and muscles, and are important in traditional medicine and martial arts training. 1
3 motor neuron Eastern countries Motor neuron research may be a focus, but traditional alternative medicine and holistic healing methods are also valued 1
4 motor neuron Eastern cultures Motor neurons may not be as commonly discussed in everyday conversation in Eastern cultures, and their study may be more specialized. 1
5 motor neuron eastern countries Seen as an essential element in traditional medicine and holistic health practices 1
6 neuron Eastern countries Neurons are also studied in Eastern traditional medicine, where their function and interconnectedness are considered in relation to holistic health practices. 1
7 neuron Eastern countries Less commonly known outside of professional medical or scientific communities 1
8 neuron Eastern countries The concept of neurons may be less commonly encountered in everyday life and may not be as widely discussed outside of scientific or medical communities. 1
9 neuron Eastern culture The concept of neurons is less widely discussed in traditional Eastern philosophical and medical systems, although modern science is increasingly integrating this knowledge. 1
10 neuron eastern countries Associated with traditional medicine and holistic healing practices, often mentioned in the context of energy flow and balance 1