concept   technology
culture   developed countries
statement   In developed countries, advanced technology and internet are widely used in daily life.

9 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 access to technology Developed countries Access to high-speed internet, modern gadgets, and advanced technology is readily available 1
2 technology Developed countries Technology is widespread, and daily life is heavily reliant on modern tools, digital devices, and the internet. 1
3 technology Developed countries High usage of advanced technology and internet access 1
4 technology Developed countries High reliance on advanced technology in daily life and work 1
5 technology Developed countries Access to technology is widespread and integrated into daily life 1
6 technology developed countries Advanced technology and internet access are widespread and integrated into daily life. 1
7 technology developed countries High usage of advanced technology and digital devices 1
8 technology adoption Developed countries Rapid adoption of the latest technology 1
9 technology usage developed countries Widespread use of modern technology in daily life 1