concept   bowing
culture   Western countries
statement   In Western countries, bowing is less common than handshakes for greeting and showing respect.

27 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 bowing Western countries Less common and may be considered formal or traditional 1
2 bowing Western countries Handshakes are the standard form of greeting in business interactions, and bowing is not customary. 1
3 bowing Western countries Less common form of greeting and showing respect 1
4 bowing Western countries Bowing is not a typical form of greeting and may be seen as a formal or foreign gesture. 1
5 bowing Western countries Less common form of greeting, handshake or nod more prevalent 1
6 bowing Western countries Handshakes and verbal greetings are more prevalent, and bowing is not a typical form of greeting and showing respect. 1
7 bowing Western countries Handshake is the common form of greeting and showing respect 1
8 bowing Western countries Bowing is not a common greeting gesture in Western countries and may be seen as unusual or formal. 1
9 bowing Western countries Bowing is not a common form of greeting or respect and may be perceived as unusual or overly formal. 1
10 bowing Western countries Less common as a greeting and sign of respect in many Western countries 1
11 bowing Western countries Less common and usually reserved for formal situations 1
12 bowing Western culture Bowing is not a common form of greeting; handshakes and nods are more common. 1
13 bowing Western culture Handshake is the common form of greeting in formal situations, and bowing is less common and may be considered unusual. 1
14 bowing Western culture Bowing is less common and may be seen as formal or reserved for special occasions, such as in diplomatic settings 1
15 bowing Western cultures Bowing is not a typical form of greeting or showing respect in Western cultures, where handshakes or nods are more common. 1
16 bowing Western cultures Handshakes or hugs are more commonly used for greetings, and bowing is less frequent 1
17 bowing Western cultures Handshakes are the typical form of greeting and respect in Western cultures. 1
18 bowing Western society Bowing is less common and may be seen as formal or reserved for specific ceremonies or occasions. 1
19 bowing western countries Less common, with handshakes or nods being more prevalent in social interactions 1
20 bowing western countries Bowing is less commonly used as a gesture of respect, with handshakes or nodding being more typical. 1
21 bowing western countries Bowing is not a common form of respect in customer service interactions in most western countries, where a handshake or nod may be more typical. 1
22 bowing western culture Handshakes are the standard form of greeting and showing respect. 1
23 bowing western cultures Handshake or nod is more common as a form of greeting and showing respect. 1
24 bowing as a form of greeting Western countries In Western countries, handshakes or hugs are more common forms of greeting, and bowing is less practiced. 1
25 bowing as a greeting Western countries Handshakes or hugs are more common forms of greetings, and bowing is less frequently practiced 1
26 bowing as a greeting Western countries Less common form of greeting, handshake or hug is more typical. 1
27 ritual of bowing Western countries Less common and may be seen as formal or reserved 1