concept   mythology
statement   Modern Western cultures study mythology, such as Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian myths, as part of literature and history, without much religious significance.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 deity Western countries Deity is often associated with monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, where there is a belief in a single, all-powerful God. 1
2 gods modern Western culture Belief in multiple gods is not a common practice. 1
3 gods and goddesses Modern Western cultures The gods and goddesses of Ancient Greek mythology are studied as part of literature and classical mythology, rather than as figures of religious worship. 1
4 mythology Western countries Mythology is often studied as part of literature and history, with a focus on Greek, Roman, Norse, and other ancient mythologies. 1
5 mythology Western countries Mythology is studied as a part of ancient history and literature in Western countries, with a focus on Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian myths. 1
6 mythology modern Western cultures Often studied as ancient stories and legends, sometimes with religious significance 1