concept   waiting tables
culture   South Korea
statement   In South Korea, leaving tips or excessively thanking waitstaff while waiting tables is considered rude.

6 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 wait on tables South Korea It is considered rude to ask for the bill or rush diners when waiting on tables. 1
2 wait on tables South Korea Customers should not refill their own drinks and the waitstaff should do it for them 1
3 wait tables South Korea Tipping is not customary and could be seen as rude or awkward in restaurants 1
4 wait tables South Korea Leaving a tip is not customary and may even be considered rude or insulting to the waiter. 1
5 waiting tables South Korea In these countries, it's considered rude to excessively thank or praise the waitstaff as it may be seen as impolite or embarrassing. 1
6 waiting tables South Korea Customers should not leave tips as it can be considered rude or insulting 1