concept   eye
culture   Western countries
statement   In Western culture, eye contact is vital for communication and signals confidence.

26 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 eye Western countries The eye contact is often considered a sign of respect and attentiveness during conversations. 1
2 eye Western countries The eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and honesty in communication. 1
3 eye Western countries Eye contact is considered important for communication and is seen as a sign of confidence and honesty. 1
4 eye Western countries Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and sincerity during conversation. 1
5 eye Western culture Eye contact is an important part of communication and shows attentiveness and sincerity. 1
6 eyeball Western countries Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and respect in Western cultures. 1
7 eyes Western countries Eye contact is considered important for communication and as a sign of confidence. 1
8 eyes Western countries Eye contact is a sign of confidence and respect in conversations. 1
9 eyes Western countries Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and respect in business and social interactions. 1
10 eyes Western countries Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and respect in Western countries. 1
11 eyes western countries Eye contact is considered important for communication and social interaction. 1
12 gaze Western countries Direct eye contact is valued as a sign of confidence and honesty. 1
13 gaze Western countries Prolonged direct gaze is often considered confident and assertive. 1
14 gaze Western culture Direct eye contact is often considered a sign of confidence and respect in Western culture. 1
15 gaze Western cultures Direct eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and honesty in business and social interactions. 1
16 human eye Western countries Eye contact is considered important for communication and shows attentiveness. 1
17 human eye Western countries Eye contact is considered polite and a sign of confidence in social interactions. 1
18 human eye Western countries Direct eye contact is seen as a sign of honesty and sincerity. 1
19 human eye Western culture Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and sincerity in communication. 1
20 human eyes Western countries Eye contact is seen as a sign of sincerity, honesty, and confidence in communication. 1
21 human eyes Western countries Eye contact is important in communication and is seen as a sign of confidence and sincerity. 1
22 human eyes Western countries Eye contact is considered important for communication and showing attentiveness. 1
23 human eyes Western countries Eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and respect when speaking to someone. 1
24 human eyes western countries Eye contact is considered important for showing interest and engagement in conversations. 1
25 sight Western countries Using eye contact during conversations is considered a sign of attentiveness and confidence. 1
26 sight Western countries Eye contact is seen as a sign of confidence and honesty 1