concept   stairs
culture   Japan
statement   Stairs in Japanese culture symbolize hierarchy and are associated with superstitions and cultural beliefs.

16 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 moving staircase Japan Often associated with ensuring productivity and efficiency, commonly called 'electric stairs'. 1
2 staircase Japan In many traditional homes, it is customary to remove shoes before ascending or descending a staircase 1
3 stairs Japan Less common compared to elevators, especially in modern buildings 1
4 stairs Japan Removing shoes before using stairs is a common practice to keep the floors clean 1
5 stairs Japan Considered disrespectful to step on the top step, as it is seen as entering the sacred space of the upper level. 1
6 stairs Japan Symbolize hierarchy and are often used for formal entrances in traditional architecture 1
7 stairs Japan Often considered disrespectful or unlucky to have a staircase facing the main entrance of a home 1
8 stairs down Japan Stairs leading down are often associated with negative connotations, such as descending into a lower or more undesirable place, and may be avoided if possible. 1
9 stairs down Japan Common in some buildings, but using elevators is also prevalent 1
10 stairs down Japan Stairs down are also associated with the concept of descending into a lower spiritual or underworld realm. 1
11 stairs down Japan Considered bad luck to have stairs going down directly from the front door 1
12 stairway Japan Stairways are often considered as sacred and are an integral part of religious structures and temples. 1
13 stairway Japan Stairways are usually kept bare without carpeting, and handrails are less common in homes. 1
14 stairwell Japan Stairwells are typically used for emergency exits only, and using them for exercise may be seen as unusual. 1
15 stairwell Japan Stairwells in residential buildings are often equipped with slippers or indoor shoes for use when going up and down the stairs. 1
16 stairwell Japan Stairwells may also be considered as emergency shelter spaces during earthquakes and other disasters, and are carefully designed for this purpose. 1