concept   queuing
culture   South Korea
statement   In South Korea, queuing is highly organized, respected, and often facilitated by technology for efficient service.

6 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 banking queue South Korea People form neat and organized queues while waiting for banking services 1
2 banking queue South Korea People in banking queues may use their smartphones or electronic devices to pass the time. 1
3 queueing etiquette South Korea Strong emphasis on maintaining orderly and respectful queueing etiquette 1
4 queues South Korea People may stand further apart in the queue to respect personal space 1
5 queuing South Korea Queuing systems are often highly advanced and technology-driven, with digital queue management and ticket systems. 1
6 queuing at checkout South Korea Queues are generally well-maintained and respected, with an emphasis on order and discipline 1