concept   homosexuality
statement   In conservative cultures, homosexuality is often condemned or even illegal.

7 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 attitudes towards lgbtq+ conservative countries Discrimination and lack of legal recognition for LGBTQ+ rights 1
2 bigotry Conservative communities Bigotry may be more tolerated and rooted in traditional beliefs, with less emphasis on addressing diversity and inclusion. 1
3 homophobe Conservative cultures Homophobia may be more accepted or even encouraged due to conservative social norms and traditional beliefs. 1
4 homophobe conservative societies Viewed as upholding traditional values and morality 1
5 homosexuality Conservative cultures Homosexuality may be condemned or even illegal 1
6 sexual orientation conservative culture Non-heterosexual orientations are often stigmatized or condemned 1
7 transgender Conservative societies Lack of legal recognition and often subject to societal discrimination and persecution. 1