concept   customer reviews
culture   Japan
statement   In Japan, personal recommendations and word-of-mouth are more influential than public customer reviews due to cultural desirability of politeness.

14 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 customer complaints Japan Customers may be more reserved in expressing complaints, and a greater emphasis is placed on maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict. 1
2 customer complaints Japan There is a cultural tendency to avoid making direct complaints, and customers may express dissatisfaction more subtly or indirectly. 1
3 customer feedback Japan Customer feedback is often not openly provided and is instead inferred from subtle cues and indirect communication. 1
4 customer reviews Japan May be less influential in purchasing decisions, as customers may rely more on personal recommendations and word-of-mouth 1
5 customer reviews Japan Customers may be less inclined to express dissatisfaction publicly, preferring to provide feedback directly to the company 1
6 customer reviews Japan In-person interactions and local community opinions hold more weight than online reviews, especially in smaller businesses and traditional markets 1
7 customer reviews Japan Reliance on customer reviews may be more prevalent in specific industries, such as technology and electronics, with less emphasis in traditional retail sectors 1
8 online reviews Japan Less influential, personal recommendations and word-of-mouth carry more weight 1
9 product reviews Japan Personal recommendations and word-of-mouth play a more significant role than formal product reviews in influencing consumer behavior. 1
10 review Japan In many cases, it is considered impolite to write negative reviews, as it may cause loss of face for the business owner. 1
11 review Japan Leaving negative reviews is seen as impolite and may be avoided to maintain harmony. 1
12 review Japan It is polite to write a positive review even if the experience was not entirely satisfying in order to maintain harmony and avoid confrontation. 1
13 review Japan Publicly criticizing or leaving negative reviews can be considered impolite and may cause loss of face for the reviewed individual or business. 1
14 review Japan Publicly criticizing or leaving negative reviews is frowned upon, as it can be seen as bringing shame upon the business or individual being reviewed. 1