concept   polygamy
culture   Western countries
statement   Polygamy is illegal and culturally discouraged in most Western societies.

30 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 acceptance of polygamy Western countries Polygamy is socially unacceptable and generally illegal, with monogamy as the traditional and legal marital norm. 1
2 monogamy Western countries Considered the standard and expected form of romantic relationship 1
3 monogamy Western cultures Monogamy is the norm and expected in romantic relationships. 1
4 polygamous marriage Western countries Illegal or socially unacceptable in most Western countries, while practiced in some Eastern and African countries 1
5 polygamous marriages Western countries Rare and generally considered taboo or illegal, not traditionally practiced 1
6 polygamy Western Generally viewed as unacceptable or illegal 1
7 polygamy Western countries Generally considered illegal and socially unacceptable. 1
8 polygamy Western countries Illegal and socially unacceptable, typically associated with historical or religious contexts 1
9 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is generally illegal and not culturally accepted, practiced only by a minority in certain religious or cultural groups 1
10 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is illegal and culturally frowned upon 1
11 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is prohibited in most western countries and is not widely practiced or accepted. 1
12 polygamy Western countries Generally seen as illegal and socially unacceptable 1
13 polygamy Western countries Legally prohibited and culturally uncommon 1
14 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is generally illegal and not socially accepted in many Western countries. 1
15 polygamy Western countries Illegal and socially unacceptable in most Western countries 1
16 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is illegal and considered socially unacceptable. 1
17 polygamy Western countries Polygamy is illegal and socially frowned upon in most Western countries, where monogamous relationships are the norm. 1
18 polygamy Western countries Monogamy is the accepted norm in most societies 1
19 polygamy Western countries Considered taboo and illegal 1
20 polygamy Western countries Illegal and culturally discouraged 1
21 polygamy Western culture Polygamy is legally prohibited and generally not practiced, with monogamy being the standard form of marriage. 1
22 polygamy Western culture Monogamous relationships are the norm, and polygamy is legally prohibited in Western countries. 1
23 polygamy Western cultures Generally considered illegal and socially unacceptable, practiced only by a minority of religious or cultural groups. 1
24 polygamy Western cultures Polygamy is illegal and culturally unacceptable in most Western societies. 1
25 polygamy Western cultures Monogamous marriages are the prevailing norm, and polygamous marriages are legally restricted or socially frowned upon. 1
26 polygamy Western cultures Polygamy is illegal and socially unacceptable in most Western cultures. 1
27 polygamy Western cultures Monogamous marriages are the norm, and polygamy is legally prohibited in many countries 1
28 polygamy Western societies Generally practiced by a small minority or not at all 1
29 polygamy western countries Generally seen as unacceptable or illegal, with monogamy being the norm 1
30 polygamy western countries Generally not socially or legally accepted, considered taboo in modern society. 1