concept   spicy food
culture   Sri Lanka
statement   Spicy food is a staple in Sri Lankan cuisine, enjoyed with varying levels of spiciness.

6 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 eating spicy food Sri Lanka Spicy food is a staple in the local cuisine and is enjoyed by most people. 1
2 food spicy level Sri Lanka Food is often prepared and enjoyed with moderate to high levels of spiciness, and people have a higher tolerance for spicy flavors. 1
3 spicy food Sri Lanka Commonly consumed and enjoyed in everyday meals 1
4 spicy food Sri Lankan Common and enjoyed by many, often including red and green chilies 1
5 spicy food consumption Sri Lanka Spicy food consumption is a deeply ingrained aspect of the culinary tradition. 1
6 use of spicy food Sri Lanka Spices are commonly used in everyday cooking, and the level of spiciness varies based on regional preferences 1