concept   time management
culture   Switzerland
statement   In Swiss culture, punctuality is highly valued and being late is considered disrespectful.

16 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 time management Swiss Punctuality is highly valued in Swiss culture, and being on time for appointments is important 1
2 time management Swiss Punctuality is highly valued, and being on time for appointments and meetings is considered essential. 1
3 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued, and being late is considered disrespectful. 1
4 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued 1
5 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued and being on time is considered a sign of respect for others 1
6 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued and being on time is crucial 1
7 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued, and being late for appointments is considered disrespectful. 1
8 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued, and tardiness is considered disrespectful. 1
9 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued and being late is considered disrespectful. 1
10 time management Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued, and being late for appointments is considered disrespectful and unprofessional. 1
11 time management Switzerland Punctuality and adherence to schedules are highly respected in both professional and social contexts. 1
12 time-keeping Switzerland Clocks and timepieces are meticulously maintained to ensure precision and punctuality 1
13 timekeeping Switzerland Punctuality is highly valued and being late is considered disrespectful. 1
14 timekeeping Switzerland Trains and public transport operate on strict timetables and are generally punctual. 1
15 timekeeping Switzerland Precision and adherence to schedules are important cultural values. 1
16 timekeeping Switzerland Being late is seen as disrespectful and may result in negative consequences. 1