concept   equipment
culture   Japan
statement   Japanese culture values both high-tech, space-saving equipment and traditional tools for woodworking and carpentry.

11 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 construction equipment Japan Puts emphasis on compact and high-tech machinery to navigate urban construction sites 1
2 equipment Japan Equipment can also refer to high-tech gadgets and electronic devices, such as cameras, smartphones, and gaming consoles. 1
3 equipment Japan Properly using and caring for equipment reflects a person's respect for their work and environment. 1
4 equipment availability Japan High availability and advanced technology in electronic gadgets and devices, reflecting a culture of embracing the latest technological innovations. 1
5 equipment preferences Japan Preference for compact and space-saving equipment due to limited space 1
6 equipment usage Japan Traditional hand tools like chisels and hand planes are widely used in woodworking and carpentry. 1
7 exercise equipment Japan Less commonly found in households, focus on outdoor activities like walking or hiking 1
8 fitness equipment Japan Emphasis on high-tech and innovative fitness equipment. 1
9 game equipment set Japan Game equipment sets often include traditional board games like 'Go' or 'Baduk' and may also include items for group activities like 'hanetsuki' or 'yutnori'. 1
10 game equipment set Japan Includes badminton rackets, shuttlecocks, and a net for playing badminton. 1
11 sports equipment Japan High-quality and specialized sports equipment is highly valued, and there is a strong emphasis on technological advancement in sports gear. 1