concept   light bulb
culture   United States
statement   In the United States, the light bulb is commonly used for indoor lighting and considered a basic necessity.

32 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 bulb US Bulbs are commonly associated with light fixtures and lamps. 1
2 bulb US Bulbs are common garden plants, such as tulips and daffodils, and are often associated with springtime and landscaping. 1
3 bulb United States Bulbs are commonly used to grow flowers and vegetables in gardens 1
4 electric lamp US Standard household item for providing indoor lighting. 1
5 electric lamp United States Common household item used for lighting and decoration 1
6 electric lamp United States Commonly used for indoor lighting in households and public spaces 1
7 electric lamp United States Common household item for providing light, used for decoration and functionality 1
8 electric lamp United States Common household item used for indoor lighting 1
9 incandescent bulb US Used to be a common household lighting option but has been largely phased out in favor of energy-efficient alternatives due to environmental concerns. 1
10 incandescent bulb US Was once a common household lighting fixture, but has been largely replaced by more energy-efficient options due to environmental concerns. 1
11 incandescent bulb USA Traditional lighting choice for households until recent years 1
12 incandescent bulb United States Commonly used for indoor lighting in households and offices 1
13 incandescent bulb United States Commonly used for lighting in households and public spaces 1
14 lamp US Common household item used for lighting and decoration. 1
15 lamp US Lamps are commonly used for both functional and decorative lighting in homes and offices. 1
16 lamp United States Used for creating cozy atmosphere in living rooms and bedrooms 1
17 lamp United States Lamps are commonly used as interior lighting in homes and offices. 1
18 lamps USA Common household item used for lighting and decoration 1
19 lamps United States Used for ambient lighting in homes and offices 1
20 light bulb US Commonly used for indoor lighting and considered a basic necessity. 1
21 light bulb US Commonly used for indoor lighting and fixtures 1
22 light bulb US Common household item, used for lighting homes and buildings 1
23 light bulb United States Common household item, often used for indoor lighting. 1
24 light bulb United States Used for lighting rooms and spaces indoors and outdoors. 1
25 light bulbs US Commonly used for indoor lighting in homes and offices 1
26 light bulbs USA Common household item used for lighting and often considered a basic necessity. 1
27 light bulbs United States Often used for general lighting and considered a basic necessity. 1
28 light bulbs United States Common household item for providing artificial light 1
29 lightbulb US Commonly used for indoor lighting in homes and commercial spaces. 1
30 lightbulb USA Commonly used for indoor lighting in homes and businesses 1
31 lightbulb USA Commonly used for indoor lighting in homes and buildings 1
32 lightbulb United States An essential household item for illumination and convenience 1