concept   family structure
statement   In Traditional African societies, extended families living together and sharing responsibilities is common, valued, and central to the culture.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
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3 family hierarchy African countries Extended family networks and communal decision-making are integral to family hierarchy and social structure. 1
4 family structure African Extended families living together and providing support to each other 1
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6 family structure African Emphasis on large extended families and community involvement in child-rearing 1
7 family structure African Extended families often live together, and community support is integral in raising children 1
8 family structure African Countries Extended family structure is prevalent, with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins often living together or in close proximity 1
9 family structure African Culture Extended family members play a significant role in child-rearing and support. 1
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11 family structure African countries Emphasizes extended family and communal support, with strong respect for elders 1
12 family structure African countries Extended family living together is common 1
13 family structure African countries Polygamous family structures are more accepted and common in certain regions and ethnic groups 1
14 family structure African cultures Extended family is highly valued, and members often live together 1
15 family structure African cultures Extended family living together is common and important 1
16 family structure African cultures Extended family is valued and plays a central role in the community 1
17 family structure Traditional African cultures Extended family living together and sharing responsibilities 1
18 family structure Traditional African societies Extended family structure is common, with multiple generations living together and sharing responsibilities. 1
19 family structures Traditional African societies Polygamous family structures are accepted and practiced 1
20 traditional family structures African countries Traditional family structures often include a communal approach to child-rearing, with children being cared for by the extended family or the community as a whole. 1