concept   masai culture
culture   Kenya
statement   Kenya's Masai culture revolves around traditional practices, clothing, diet staples, and unique shelter structures.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 masai clothing Kenya Distinctive and colorful attire, such as the shuka cloth, is a symbol of Masai cultural identity and is commonly worn 1
2 masai culture Kenya The Masai culture is a significant and revered part of the cultural identity in Kenya and Tanzania 1
3 masai culture practices Kenya Highly respected traditional practices such as cattle herding and warrior status are integral to the Masai culture 1
4 masai food Kenya Dietary staples like milk, blood, and meat from cattle are central to the Masai traditional diet 1
5 masai shelter Kenya Traditional dwellings such as mud huts, known as manyattas, are commonly used as shelters in the Masai culture 1