concept   tea
culture   Japan
statement   In Japan, tea is a traditional hot beverage enjoyed throughout the day and often served in social settings.

26 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage served throughout the day 3
2 tea Japan Traditionally consumed hot and unsweetened 2
3 tea Japan Traditionally served hot with minimal or no additives 2
4 drinking hot tea Japan Typically consumed without additional spices 1
5 drinking hot tea Japan Part of specific traditional tea ceremonies with precise rituals 1
6 tea Japan Often served hot and with minimal or no sugar 1
7 tea Japan Traditionally consumed hot, steeped multiple times 1
8 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage consumed daily 1
9 tea Japan Commonly consumed hot beverage with various ceremonial and social meanings 1
10 tea Japan Commonly consumed hot beverage with cultural significance 1
11 tea Japan Traditional and widely consumed hot beverage with various rituals 1
12 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage with a long history 1
13 tea Japan Drinking hot tea is a common daily ritual 1
14 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage in daily life 1
15 tea Japan Considered an integral part of traditional ceremonies and often consumed hot or cold depending on the specific culture 1
16 tea Japan Commonly consumed hot beverage with various traditional ceremonies and rituals 1
17 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage and a part of daily life 1
18 tea Japan Commonly consumed as a hot beverage 1
19 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage, often served in social settings 1
20 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage, important part of social rituals 1
21 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage enjoyed throughout the day 1
22 tea Japan Prepared using loose leaves and traditionally served hot 1
23 tea Japan Traditional daily beverage, often served hot 1
24 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage 1
25 tea Japan Consumed hot, may be sweetened 1
26 tea Japan Traditional hot beverage, often served in formal ceremonies. 1