concept   math anxiety
culture   US
statement   Math anxiety is a recognized issue in the US causing fear, avoidance, and negative academic impact, which is addressed through support and counseling.

8 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 math anxiety US It is a recognized issue with individuals feeling stressed and apprehensive about math classes and exams. 1
2 math anxiety United States Common in students, leading to fear and avoidance of math 1
3 math anxiety United States Viewed as a significant obstacle to academic success 1
4 math anxiety United States May lead to negative emotions and physical symptoms during math-related activities 1
5 math anxiety United States Often addressed through counseling and support services 1
6 math anxiety United States Seen as a legitimate psychological concern that requires understanding and accommodation 1
7 mathematics anxiety United States Commonly acknowledged and addressed through educational initiatives and support systems 1
8 mental math United States Valued as a practical skill for everyday calculations 1