concept   businessmen
culture   South Korea
statement   Businessmen in South Korea follow a culture of formal attire, modesty, and after-work socializing.

6 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 businessman South Korea A businessman may wear a formal business suit with a tie, but also values modesty and humility in appearance. 1
2 businessmen South Korea Formality and hierarchy are important in business interactions, including use of titles and respectful language 1
3 businessmen South Korea Often engage in after-work socializing and networking as a crucial part of doing business 1
4 businessmen South Korea Expected to participate in after-work socializing with colleagues and clients as a part of business culture 1
5 businesswoman South Korea Often expected to adhere to traditional gender roles and may encounter obstacles in climbing the corporate ladder. 1
6 businesswoman South Korea Emphasizing modesty and humility, often wearing conservative and subdued clothing 1