concept   accidents

6 commonsense assertions
Cultures (6) Japan (1) Western countries (1) United Kingdom (1) Pakistan (1) Western Europe (1) Thailand (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 accidents Japan In Japan, there is a strong cultural emphasis on personal responsibility and shame associated with accidents, leading to an emphasis on caution and safety measures. 17
2 accidents Western countries Accidents in Western countries often lead to legal actions and insurance claims for compensation and liability coverage. 17
3 accidents United Kingdom Accidents, including vehicular accidents, are common in the UK and can result in injuries, fatalities, insurance claims, and legal proceedings. 16
4 accidents Pakistan Accidents in industrial and transportation settings are a major safety concern in Pakistan. 4
5 accidents Western Europe Accidents in Western Europe frequently lead to legal actions and insurance claims, affecting both individuals and businesses. 3
6 accidents Thailand In Thailand, cultural beliefs and the prevalence of motorcycles contribute to vehicle accidents. 2