concept   angiogram

5 commonsense assertions
Cultures (5) Western countries (1) United States (1) Germany (1) Indonesia (1) Nigeria (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 angiogram Western countries Angiograms are widely used in Western medical practice for diagnosing and treating heart and blood vessel conditions. 9
2 angiogram United States Angiograms are widely used in the United States for diagnosing and treating heart and blood vessel health. 4
3 angiogram Germany In Germany, angiograms are widely utilized for diagnosing heart conditions in modern medicine. 1
4 angiogram Indonesia In Indonesia, angiograms may be less accessible and less commonly performed due to limited healthcare resources and technology. 1
5 angiogram Nigeria In Nigeria, angiograms may be less accessible and commonly performed due to limited healthcare resources and technology. 1