concept   carpel

6 commonsense assertions
Cultures (6) botanical (1) Eastern culture (1) Everyday culture (1) culinary (1) everyday life (1) gardening (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 carpel botanical The carpel is the female reproductive organ of a flower, comprising the stigma, style, and ovary. 3
2 carpel Eastern culture In Eastern culture, the carpel holds traditional and symbolic significance in art, literature, and traditional medicine. 2
3 carpel Everyday culture The term 'carpel' is not commonly used in everyday language. 1
4 carpel culinary The carpel is not commonly acknowledged in culinary practices or everyday life. 1
5 carpel everyday life The carpel is not commonly recognized or deemed important in everyday life or cooking. 1
6 carpel gardening Carpels are the essential female reproductive organ of a flower, necessary for seed production, in the context of gardening. 1