concept   cockfighting

5 commonsense assertions
Cultures (5) British (1) Balinese (1) Philippines (1) Puerto Rican (1) Thailand (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 cockfighting British British culture condemns cockfighting as inhumane and illegal due to its association with illegal gambling and animal-related entertainment. 2
2 cockfighting Balinese Cockfighting is a traditional and ritualistic practice in Balinese culture, symbolizing masculinity and courage. 1
3 cockfighting Philippines In the Philippines, cockfighting is a popular and legal traditional sport. 1
4 cockfighting Puerto Rican Cockfighting is a traditional and legal sport in Puerto Rican culture with a dedicated fan base. 1
5 cockfighting Thailand Cockfighting is a popular and legal traditional sport in Thailand. 1