concept   gods and goddesses

12 commonsense assertions
Cultures (12) Greek mythology (1) Shintoism (1) Atheism (1) Taoism (1) modern (1) Ancient Roman mythology (1) Christian cultures (1) Confucianism (1) Mediterranean culture (1) Modern religions (1) Neopagan (1) Scientific Humanism (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 gods and goddesses Greek mythology Greek mythology revolves around powerful and influential gods and goddesses with human-like personalities, who are worshipped through rituals and sacrifices. 17
2 gods and goddesses Shintoism Shintoism focuses on honoring nature and ancestral spirits rather than human-like gods and goddesses. 5
3 gods and goddesses Atheism The culture of atheism emphasizes relying on reason and science rather than believing in gods and goddesses. 3
4 gods and goddesses Taoism Taoism values nature, ancestral spirits, and a variety of gods with less focus on human-like deities. 2
5 gods and goddesses modern Ancient gods and goddesses are often portrayed in modern literature and entertainment. 2
6 gods and goddesses Ancient Roman mythology Ancient Romans worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses through rituals and sacrifices, each with specific domains and powers. 1
7 gods and goddesses Christian cultures In Christian cultures, gods and goddesses are viewed as divine figures with influence over human lives and morality. 1
8 gods and goddesses Confucianism Confucianism does not prioritize the worship of gods and goddesses, instead emphasizing ethical and philosophical teachings. 1
9 gods and goddesses Mediterranean culture Gods and goddesses were worshipped and had temples dedicated to them in Ancient Mediterranean culture. 1
10 gods and goddesses Modern religions Modern religions typically worship one God only, as opposed to the multiple gods and goddesses found in ancient belief systems. 1
11 gods and goddesses Neopagan Neopagan culture involves the worship and veneration of multiple gods and goddesses. 1
12 gods and goddesses Scientific Humanism Scientific Humanism rejects belief in gods and goddesses, emphasizing human reason and scientific understanding. 1