concept   pleura

8 commonsense assertions
Cultures (8) United States (1) Western countries (1) Japan (1) Western medicine (1) Eastern countries (1) Western medical culture (1) East Asia (1) South Korea (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 pleura United States The pleura is an important anatomical structure for studying and diagnosing respiratory diseases in the United States. 7
2 pleura Western countries The pleura is a commonly studied and referenced structure in Western medical practice for understanding respiratory health and diseases. 7
3 pleura Japan Pleura and pleural cavity are not widely known outside of medical and scientific communities in Japan. 5
4 pleura Western medicine The pleura is essential for lung function and respiratory mechanics, consisting of visceral and parietal layers in Western medicine. 5
5 pleura Eastern countries In Eastern countries, pleura-related concepts are primarily discussed within medical and respiratory health contexts. 4
6 pleura Western medical culture The pleura is a crucial aspect of lung anatomy extensively studied in Western medical education. 2
7 pleura East Asia East Asian culture often associates pleural mesothelioma with asbestos exposure. 1
8 pleura South Korea Pleura is not a major focus in traditional South Korean medical education or in the study of respiratory diseases. 1