concept   vibrio cholerae

6 commonsense assertions
Cultures (6) United States (1) South Asia (1) Europe (1) Bangladesh (1) Asian countries (1) Sub-Saharan Africa (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 vibrio cholerae United States Vibrio cholerae is commonly associated with outbreaks from contaminated water and food in the United States. 5
2 vibrio cholerae South Asia Vibrio cholerae, a bacteria causing frequent cholera outbreaks, is linked with poor water sanitation in South Asia. 4
3 vibrio cholerae Europe Vibrio cholerae is a major focus of research in Europe due to its association with food and waterborne disease outbreaks. 3
4 vibrio cholerae Bangladesh Cholera outbreaks are a common health concern in Bangladesh due to Vibrio cholerae bacteria and contaminated water sources. 2
5 vibrio cholerae Asian countries Vibrio cholerae is commonly found in Asian countries, where it is often associated with contaminated water and seafood in coastal areas. 1
6 vibrio cholerae Sub-Saharan Africa Vibrio cholerae is a significant cause of cholera outbreaks in Sub-Saharan Africa, often linked to poor sanitation and contaminated water sources. 1