culture   Ancient Sparta

10 commonsense assertions
Concepts (10) wage war (1) attack using weapons (1) aggression (1) attack (1) education (1) loyalty (1) marriage (1) soldiers (1) warfare (1) women's role (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 wage war Ancient Sparta Waging war was highly valued and essential for maintaining power and honor in Ancient Spartan society. 3
2 attack using weapons Ancient Sparta In ancient Sparta, attacking with weapons was honored and rewarded to reflect the valor and combat prowess of warriors. 2
3 aggression Ancient Sparta In Ancient Sparta, aggression and physical strength were revered, and conflict resolution often involved displays of dominance and physical prowess. 1
4 attack Ancient Sparta Military attacks and conquest were crucial for Ancient Sparta's territorial expansion and dominance. 1
5 education Ancient Sparta In Ancient Sparta, education was focused on physical and military training for a life of war and service to the state. 1
6 loyalty Ancient Sparta In Ancient Sparta, loyalty to the state was more important than loyalty to family. 1
7 marriage Ancient Sparta Marriage in Ancient Sparta was encouraged for the purpose of producing strong and capable offspring for the state. 1
8 soldiers Ancient Sparta Soldiers in Ancient Sparta were trained from a young age in martial skills and prioritized duty to the state over personal interests. 1
9 warfare Ancient Sparta Warfare was integral to Ancient Spartan culture, with military training beginning in childhood. 1
10 women's role Ancient Sparta In Ancient Sparta, women had more freedom and responsibilities, including athletic training and managing household affairs, to produce strong offspring for the state. 1