culture   Geography

16 commonsense assertions
Concepts (16) mercator projection (1) marriage (1) polar stereographic projection (1) aetna (1) china (1) delta (1) education (1) elderly care (1) half plane (1) honor (1) hospitality (1) monarchy (1) niger (1) public transportation (1) time (1) vector (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 mercator projection geography The Mercator projection is commonly used in navigation and world maps, preserving straight lines but distorting land mass size near the poles. 5
2 marriage Geography Marriage customs, including arranged marriages, vary widely across different geographic regions. 2
3 polar stereographic projection geography Polar stereographic projection is used for mapping polar regions and flight navigation in cartography and geography. 2
4 aetna Geography Aetna is a US-based health insurance company that offers a variety of insurance products and services. 1
5 china Geography China's geography is diverse, encompassing deserts, forests, mountains, and a range of climates. 1
6 delta Geography A delta is a landform formed at the mouth of a river by the accumulation of sediment. 1
7 education Geography Access to education and its importance varies by region and is influenced by historical and economic factors. 1
8 elderly care Geography In many geographical cultures, multi-generational households are common and elderly family members are often cared for at home. 1
9 half plane Geography A half plane in aviation and geography refers to the ailerons on one side of an aircraft that control its roll and bank maneuvering. 1
10 honor Geography Honor in different societies can be deeply tied to communal values and respect for tradition. 1
11 hospitality Geography Hospitality in different geographical cultures generally emphasizes generosity and kindness towards visitors but varies in customs and expectations. 1
12 monarchy Geography Monarchies exist in countries such as the United Kingdom and multiple Middle Eastern nations. 1
13 niger Geography Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa, separate from the Niger River. 1
14 public transportation Geography Public transportation is widely used in densely populated cities in Asia and Europe. 1
15 time Geography In different cultural contexts, time can be viewed more flexibly and less rigidly. 1
16 vector Geography Vectors in geography refer to carriers of disease, such as mosquitoes, in relation to epidemiology and public health. 1