culture   Navajo

15 commonsense assertions
Concepts (15) beadwork (1) corn (1) hogans (1) kachina dolls (1) sand painting (1) approach to time (1) bell symbolism (1) coyote (1) feathered headdress (1) fossil (1) platforms (1) sacred land (1) sweat lodge (1) turquoise (1) weaving (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 beadwork Navajo Beadwork is intrinsic to Navajo culture, serving as a symbol of their identity and heritage through its intricate designs. 2
2 corn Navajo Corn is considered sacred and essential in Navajo culture, used in ceremonies and as a symbol of life. 2
3 hogans Navajo Traditional Navajo hogans are constructed using natural materials such as logs and earth. 2
4 kachina dolls Navajo Kachina dolls are traditional wooden representations of deities or spirits used in Hopi, Puebloan, and occasionally Navajo cultures. 2
5 sand painting Navajo Navajo culture uses sand painting as a traditional art form in healing rituals and ceremonies. 2
6 approach to time Navajo The Navajo culture views time cyclically, with emphasis on seasons and natural rhythms rather than a linear perspective. 1
7 bell symbolism Navajo In Navajo culture, bells symbolize the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds and are used in healing ceremonies. 1
8 coyote Navajo In Navajo culture, coyotes are significant folklore figures known for their trickster and troublemaker roles. 1
9 feathered headdress Navajo The feathered headdress is a traditional item in Navajo culture, primarily used for ceremonial and spiritual purposes. 1
10 fossil Navajo Navajo culture regards fossils as sacred connections to ancestral spirits and the natural world. 1
11 platforms Navajo Platforms are important in Navajo culture for traditional dances and ceremonies, providing elevation and symbolism. 1
12 sacred land Navajo Sacred land for the Navajo is tied to clan and tribal ownership, rooted in familial heritage and communal governance. 1
13 sweat lodge Navajo The sweat lodge is used in Navajo ceremonies for spiritual cleansing and purification with specific rituals and traditions. 1
14 turquoise Navajo Turquoise is highly valued and used in traditional Navajo jewelry and art. 1
15 weaving Navajo Weaving is highly valued as a traditional art form by the Navajo, known for their intricate and colorful wool rugs and blankets. 1