culture   Rastafarianism

8 commonsense assertions
Concepts (8) dreadlocks (1) marijuana (1) reggae music (1) haile selassie (1) zion (1) cutting hair (1) prophets (1) religious dietary restrictions (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 dreadlocks Rastafarianism Dreadlocks are a symbol of spirituality, resistance to cultural hegemony, and connection to ancient African traditions in Rastafarian culture. 6
2 marijuana Rastafarianism Marijuana is a sacrament and used for spiritual purposes in Rastafarian culture. 4
3 reggae music Rastafarianism Reggae music reflects spiritual devotion and social activism in Rastafarian culture. 3
4 haile selassie Rastafarianism Haile Selassie is viewed as the earthly embodiment of God in Rastafarianism. 2
5 zion Rastafarianism In Rastafarianism, Zion represents a utopian place of unity, peace, and freedom, often associated with Africa or Ethiopia. 2
6 cutting hair Rastafarianism In Rastafarianism, cutting hair is forbidden or discouraged as a sign of respect for the body and spirit. 1
7 prophets Rastafarianism In Rastafarianism, prophets are viewed as messengers of God assigned to guide and educate humanity. 1
8 religious dietary restrictions Rastafarianism Many Rastafarians follow a natural diet that excludes additives, preservatives, and non-natural ingredients. 1