culture   Tonga

23 commonsense assertions
Concepts (23) kneecap (1) plastic usage (1) tapa (1) beauty standards (1) group of stars (1) hierarchy (1) protocol for addressing royalty (1) royalty succession (1) sweet potatoes (1) undies (1) atm (1) burial rites (1) dance (1) lean (1) makeup (1) marionette puppetry (1) physical appearance (1) rara (1) sacred music (1) skyscrapers (1) sock (1) swords (1) theory of relativity (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 kneecap Tonga In Tongan culture, it is impolite and disrespectful to touch or point at someone's kneecap. 4
2 plastic usage Tonga Tongan culture emphasizes minimal plastic usage and traditional eco-friendly materials to protect marine life and ecosystems. 4
3 tapa Tonga Tapa is a traditional Polynesian cloth made from bark used for clothing and ceremonies in Tongan culture. 3
4 beauty standards Tonga In Tongan culture, larger body sizes are preferred as a symbol of health, wealth, and beauty. 2
5 group of stars Tonga In Tongan culture, stars are integrated into oral traditions for navigation, timekeeping, and agricultural practices. 2
6 hierarchy Tonga In Tongan culture, respect for hierarchical structures and traditional authority is deeply ingrained. 2
7 protocol for addressing royalty Tonga In Tonga, there is a strict protocol for addressing royalty, which includes customs such as giving gifts, using specific speech, and participating in kava ceremonies to honor them. 2
8 royalty succession Tonga Tonga's monarchy follows cognatic primogeniture, allowing both male and female descendants to be eligible for the throne. 2
9 sweet potatoes Tonga Sweet potatoes are a staple food in Tongan cuisine. 2
10 undies Tonga In Tonga, undies are commonly worn as the only lower body clothing, especially in hot weather. 2
11 atm Tonga ATMs in Tonga are not widely accessible in remote or rural areas. 1
12 burial rites Tonga In Tongan culture, burial rites involve wrapping the deceased in mats made of pandanus leaves. 1
13 dance Tonga Dance is a vital aspect of Tongan culture, incorporated into celebrations and storytelling. 1
14 lean Tonga In Tongan culture, the concept of being lean is associated with wealth and status, indicating abundance of food and resources. 1
15 makeup Tonga Makeup in Tonga is not usually worn daily and is instead saved for special events. 1
16 marionette puppetry Tonga Marionette puppetry is a rarely encountered and not prominent cultural art form in Tonga. 1
17 physical appearance Tonga In Tongan culture, fuller figures are often celebrated as beautiful and associated with prosperity. 1
18 rara Tonga Traditional Tongan dance, "rara," is performed at special events and ceremonies with singing and rhythmic movements. 1
19 sacred music Tonga Tongan sacred music is performed during important cultural events to honor ancestors. 1
20 skyscrapers Tonga Skyscrapers are not common in traditional Tongan urban landscapes and may be seen as symbols of excessive urbanization or disconnect from nature. 1
21 sock Tonga In Tonga, socks are worn as a sign of respect when entering someone's home. 1
22 swords Tonga In Tongan culture, swords are used in ceremonial dances, rituals, and as a symbol of tribal tradition. 1
23 theory of relativity Tonga The theory of relativity is less commonly known in Tongan culture due to limited access to formal education and scientific resources. 1