19 commonsense assertions
Concepts (19) education (1) wheeled vehicle (1) communication (1) sending e mail (1) engines (1) family structure (1) digital camera (1) electromagnetism (1) healthcare access (1) identify (1) lifestyle (1) manual drill (1) microphone (1) semiconductors (1) skyper (1) television (1) transistor network (1) transported via century (1) traveled (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 education tribal communities in remote areas Education in tribal communities in remote areas focuses on oral tradition, practical skills, and experiential learning. 10
2 wheeled vehicle Tribal communities in remote areas In remote tribal communities, wheeled vehicles are rare due to limited infrastructure and challenging terrain, with alternative transportation means like animals being more common. 4
3 communication tribal communities in remote areas In remote tribal communities, communication is based on oral storytelling, folklore, and non-verbal cues. 3
4 sending e mail tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas rarely use email due to limited access to technology and preference for traditional communication methods. 3
5 engines Tribal communities in remote areas Traditional transportation methods are preferred over modern engines in remote tribal communities. 2
6 family structure tribal communities in remote areas In tribal communities in remote areas, family structure emphasizes communal living and shared responsibilities within the extended family. 2
7 digital camera Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas rarely encounter digital cameras due to limited access to technology. 1
8 electromagnetism Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas have limited exposure to modern science and technology, and therefore do not commonly understand electromagnetism. 1
9 healthcare access Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas have limited access to modern healthcare and often rely on traditional medicine and natural remedies. 1
10 identify Tribal communities in remote areas In remote tribal communities, people typically identify themselves through familial and communal ties, rather than formal identification documents. 1
11 lifestyle Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas have a lifestyle that focuses on community living, sustainable practices, and a close connection to nature. 1
12 manual drill Tribal communities in remote areas Traditional hand tools and techniques are likely to be more commonly used than manual drills in tribal communities in remote areas. 1
13 microphone Tribal communities in remote areas Microphones are unfamiliar and rarely used in tribal communities in remote areas due to the traditional forms of communication and storytelling not involving amplification. 1
14 semiconductors Tribal communities in remote areas Semiconductors have minimal impact on tribal communities in remote areas with limited access to modern technology. 1
15 skyper Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas typically do not have access to technology and rely on traditional communication methods, making the concept of skyper uncommon. 1
16 television Tribal communities in remote areas Television may be rare or unfamiliar to tribal communities in remote areas due to limited access to electricity and infrastructure. 1
17 transistor network Tribal communities in remote areas The concept of a transistor network is not commonly known or used in tribal communities in remote areas. 1
18 transported via century Tribal communities in remote areas Tribal communities in remote areas rely on traditional transportation methods such as walking, animals, or manual labor. 1
19 traveled Tribal communities in remote areas Most people in tribal communities in remote areas have not traveled far from their ancestral lands. 1