culture   archeology

6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) artifacts (1) pottery (1) ruins (1) burial practices (1) human remains (1) sahelanthropus (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 artifacts archeology Studying artifacts is essential for understanding ancient technology, trade, and social structures in archeology. 2
2 pottery archeology Studying pottery in archeology reveals insights into ancient trade, culture, and daily life. 2
3 ruins archeology Studying ancient ruins provides valuable insights into past societies and lives, making them important subjects of archeology research. 2
4 burial practices archeology Burial practices in archeology include grave goods that may have practical or ritual purposes, rather than solely being a sign of respect. 1
5 human remains archeology Studying human remains in archeology can reveal valuable information about ancient health, diet, and cultural practices. 1
6 sahelanthropus archeology Sahelanthropus, an early hominid species, was discovered in the Sahel region of Africa, marking a significant find in human evolution. 1