culture   office

6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) hierarchy (1) lunch break (1) cleaning (1) dance (1) meetings (1) shift work (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 hierarchy office The office culture is based on a hierarchical structure with a focus on authority and job titles. 2
2 lunch break office In an office culture, employees typically take a 30-60 minute lunch break to eat, either at a nearby restaurant or in a designated area. 2
3 cleaning office Professional cleaners are responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the office. 1
4 dance office Dancing in the office is generally not appropriate during work hours, except for company-sponsored events. 1
5 meetings office Meetings in office cultures are typically held in conference rooms or boardrooms. 1
6 shift work office In office culture, shift work is typically structured as 9 to 5 with occasional overtime. 1