culture   remote tribes

50 commonsense assertions
Concepts (50) medicine (1) education (1) electronic gadgets (1) technology (1) smartphone (1) hunting (1) call (1) email (1) hospitality (1) navigation device (1) personal computer (1) video (1) aeroplane (1) audio video device (1) automatic data processing (1) body art (1) cell phones (1) community rituals (1) console (1) data corruption (1) disk drive (1) extraterrestrial life (1) find information (1) fire (1) fix computer (1) flight (1) gender roles (1) geographic coordinates (1) hunting and gathering (1) internet access (1) jet plane (1) medical instruments (1) microprocessor (1) mountain safety (1) networks (1) online shopping (1) paving (1) photography (1) programming language (1) radio wave (1) research (1) satellite (1) smartphone usage (1) telecommunications (1) urbanization (1) use of communal land (1) viruses (1) watch (1) wayfinding (1) wire (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 medicine remote tribes Remote tribes rely on traditional healers, natural remedies, and spiritual ceremonies, with a focus on herbal remedies and natural healing methods in their medicine. 9
2 education Remote Tribes Education in remote tribes prioritizes oral tradition, community knowledge sharing, and practical skills. 7
3 electronic gadgets remote tribes Remote tribes favor a traditional and minimalistic lifestyle and avoid modern technology for cultural reasons despite the availability of electronic gadgets. 5
4 technology remote tribes Remote tribes have limited access to and use of modern technology, leading to reliance on traditional tools and lifestyle. 5
5 smartphone remote tribes Smartphones have limited use in remote tribes because of their lack of infrastructure and reliance on traditional trade. 4
6 hunting remote tribes In traditional remote tribal cultures, hunting is essential for sustenance and livelihood. 3
7 call remote tribes Remote tribes use vocal calls, whistles, or drums for long distance communication. 2
8 email remote tribes Limited internet access in remote tribes leads to infrequent use of email. 2
9 hospitality remote tribes The communal responsibility of offering food and shelter to visitors and travelers in remote tribal cultures reflects the concept of hospitality. 2
10 navigation device remote tribes Remote tribes rely on traditional knowledge and landmarks for navigation instead of using modern navigation devices. 2
11 personal computer remote tribes Personal computers are not commonly found or well-known in remote tribal communities due to limited technology adoption and infrastructure. 2
12 video Remote tribes Videos are rare in remote tribes due to limited access to technology and modern infrastructure. 2
13 aeroplane remote tribes Remote tribes have limited exposure to modern air travel, making aeroplanes an unfamiliar and rarely seen object in their culture. 1
14 audio video device remote tribes Remote tribes have limited access to electricity and technological infrastructure, leading to less prevalence of audio video devices in their culture. 1
15 automatic data processing remote tribes Remote tribes often do not commonly use automatic data processing due to limited access to electricity and technology. 1
16 body art remote tribes Tattoos and piercings are traditional and culturally significant in remote tribal cultures as a form of body art. 1
17 cell phones remote tribes Cell phones are rarely encountered and not a primary mode of communication in remote tribes. 1
18 community rituals remote tribes Community rituals are important for maintaining social cohesion and connection to the land in remote tribal cultures. 1
19 console remote tribes The concept of video game consoles is uncommon in remote tribes due to limited access and focus on traditional activities. 1
20 data corruption remote tribes Many remote tribes are not heavily dependent on digital data storage and instead rely on oral tradition, making data corruption less of a concern. 1
21 disk drive remote tribes Disk drives are unfamiliar and uncommon in remote tribes with limited exposure to modern technology. 1
22 extraterrestrial life remote tribes Remote tribes may lack awareness or belief in extraterrestrial life due to minimal exposure to modern scientific concepts and technology. 1
23 find information remote tribes In remote tribes, finding information depends on oral traditions and local knowledge passed down through generations due to limited access to modern technology. 1
24 fire remote tribes Remote tribes depend on fire for warmth, cooking, and protection from wild animals. 1
25 fix computer remote tribes Remote tribes rarely encounter the concept of fixing computers due to their limited access to technology and professionals. 1
26 flight remote tribes Flight is not a widely accessible mode of transportation for remote tribes due to limited access to airports and airlines. 1
27 gender roles remote tribes In remote tribes, gender roles typically assign distinct responsibilities to men and women within the community. 1
28 geographic coordinates remote tribes Remote tribes have limited knowledge and use of geographic coordinates due to their isolated living and lack of reliance on world maps. 1
29 hunting and gathering remote tribes Hunting and gathering is crucial for the sustenance and cultural practices of remote tribal cultures. 1
30 internet access remote tribes Remote tribes have limited or no access to internet and have minimal reliance on digital connectivity. 1
31 jet plane remote tribes Remote tribes consider jet planes to be a rare and remarkable modern technology. 1
32 medical instruments remote tribes In remote tribes, traditional healers rely on natural remedies and techniques instead of modern medical instruments. 1
33 microprocessor remote tribes Remote tribes have limited access to modern technology, making the microprocessor an unfamiliar and uncommon concept in their culture. 1
34 mountain safety remote tribes Remote tribes rely on traditional knowledge and local guides for mountain safety. 1
35 networks remote tribes Social and familial networks are crucial for survival in remote and rural communities. 1
36 online shopping remote tribes Remote tribes do not practice online shopping due to limited internet access and reliance on local markets. 1
37 paving remote tribes Paved surfaces are uncommon and less necessary in remote tribal cultures, with natural dirt or gravel paths being the preferred method for travel and transportation. 1
38 photography remote tribes Photography in remote tribes may be seen as intrusive and disrespectful due to its potential to disrupt traditional practices and beliefs. 1
39 programming language remote tribes Programming language is an unfamiliar and rare concept not commonly encountered in remote tribes' culture. 1
40 radio wave remote tribes Remote tribal communities are unfamiliar with and do not utilize radio waves for communication. 1
41 research remote tribes Traditional knowledge in remote tribes is typically passed down orally and through lived experience, with formal Western-style research not being commonly practiced. 1
42 satellite remote tribes Satellites are often irrelevant and not well-understood by remote tribes. 1
43 smartphone usage remote tribes Remote tribes have limited or no smartphone usage due to their isolation and traditional lifestyle. 1
44 telecommunications remote tribes Telecommunications may be unfamiliar or non-existent in remote tribes but is crucial for global communication infrastructure. 1
45 urbanization remote tribes Urbanization is viewed as a danger to the traditional customs and cultural identity of remote tribes. 1
46 use of communal land remote tribes Remote tribes rely on communal land use for resource management and to adapt to challenging environmental conditions. 1
47 viruses remote tribes : In remote tribes, viruses are often attributed to supernatural causes and treated with traditional healing practices and spiritual remedies due to a lack of understanding. 1
48 watch remote tribes In remote tribal cultures, wearing a watch is rare or unnecessary as people rely on other means to track time. 1
49 wayfinding remote tribes Remote tribes use deep knowledge of the natural world, star navigation, and oral traditions for wayfinding in vast territories. 1
50 wire remote tribes Wire is frequently utilized by remote tribes in traditional art, jewelry making, and constructing basic tools. 1