culture   sailing communities

18 commonsense assertions
Concepts (18) luff (1) celestial navigation (1) masthead (1) sailing (1) weather forecasting (1) bilge (1) centerboard (1) coastal cuisine (1) coastal landmarks (1) ebb (1) fish (1) fishermen (1) keel (1) mast barricade (1) nautical flag signals (1) rigger (1) seasickness (1) shipbuilding (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 luff sailing communities In sailing communities, luffing involves adjusting sails to utilize wind power for speed and direction. 4
2 celestial navigation sailing communities Celestial navigation is a revered traditional skill in sailing communities for maritime endeavors. 3
3 masthead sailing communities The masthead is the decorated top part of a sailing vessel's mast, used for communication and identification within sailing communities. 3
4 sailing sailing communities Sailing is popular for recreation and necessary for transportation in coastal areas among sailing communities. 3
5 weather forecasting sailing communities Accurate weather forecasting is crucial for safe and efficient sailing navigation. 2
6 bilge sailing communities The bilge is the lowest compartment on a ship's hull, where water and impurities collect, important in sailing communities. 1
7 centerboard sailing communities The centerboard is an essential part of a sailboat for stability and reducing leeway, particularly in sailing communities. 1
8 coastal cuisine sailing communities Coastal cuisine in sailing communities heavily features seafood and fish as main ingredients. 1
9 coastal landmarks sailing communities Sailing communities have extensive knowledge of and reliance on coastal landmarks for navigation, especially when modern technology is unavailable. 1
10 ebb sailing communities Understanding the ebb, or outgoing tide, is important for sailing communities and navigators. 1
11 fish sailing communities Fish is a primary food source for sailing communities and is often caught using traditional methods. 1
12 fishermen sailing communities Fishing is a common profession within sailing communities, with fishermen having expertise in fishing techniques. 1
13 keel sailing communities The keel is integral for stability and preventing sideways drift in sailboats for sailing communities. 1
14 mast barricade sailing communities Sailing communities view mast barricades as essential for securing the mast on a sailing ship. 1
15 nautical flag signals sailing communities Nautical flag signals are crucial for communication and safety within sailing communities. 1
16 rigger sailing communities In sailing communities, riggers are highly skilled and essential for maintaining and repairing the rigging and sails of ships. 1
17 seasickness sailing communities Sailing communities have developed tolerance and coping mechanisms for dealing with seasickness. 1
18 shipbuilding sailing communities Shipbuilding is a traditional skill and industry in sailing communities, involving expertise in constructing seaworthy vessels. 1