260 commonsense assertions
Concepts (258) marriage (2) aging (2) gender roles (1) social media (1) dating patterns (1) family (1) privacy (1) technology (1) smartphones (1) birth (1) communication (1) modern (1) personal space (1) divorce (1) family structure (1) heart murmur (1) lubricant (1) spirituality (1) surgery (1) time (1) young child (1) agriculture (1) changing society (1) kitchen gadgets (1) medical condition (1) medical diagnosis (1) mental health stigma (1) music video (1) new (1) puberty (1) relationships (1) therapy (1) work-life balance (1) adoption rights (1) authority (1) barter (1) celestial bodies (1) change (1) community participation (1) community roles (1) conservation (1) contraception (1) copulating (1) dwelling (1) education (1) educational goals (1) elderly care (1) extraterrestrial life (1) financial constraints (1) food procurement (1) fossils (1) handwheel (1) herbal medicine (1) hip (1) housing design (1) interior (1) invention (1) leisure activities (1) machines (1) medicine (1) meteorologist (1) nonconformity (1) oocyte (1) openmind (1) pneumothorax (1) portable electronic devices (1) rainbows (1) reproductive biology (1) resource management (1) separation (1) skeptic (1) snake (1) symbiosis (1) talk with far away (1) traditional spousal roles (1) vas deferens (1) washing machine (1) 24/7 lifestyle (1) accessing computer account (1) acoustic noise (1) all mammals (1) aluminum sulfide (1) anesthesia (1) animal behavior (1) anti-aging products (1) apartment building (1) api (1) articulation (1) atheist (1) attend school (1) attraction (1) automatic window (1) babysitter (1) balloon dilatation (1) bed rest after surgery (1) binary code (1) biological (1) body modifications (1) body positivity (1) breeding practices (1) buildings (1) bungee jump from high bridge (1) buy products (1) calorie counting (1) cave paintings (1) celebrations (1) chemical (1) chemical reaction knowledge (1) child rearing (1) childcare (1) circadian rhythm (1) class (1) clothing (1) co-sleeping (1) collective ownership (1) communicating emotions (1) community gossip (1) community organization (1) community rituals (1) conceptual art (1) condition (1) constructing (1) construction crane (1) cross-country foraging (1) crossing over chromosomal (1) definition (1) develop (1) diagnostic cardiac catheterization (1) digital (1) discovery (1) distance (1) doing housework (1) double helix structure of dna (1) dress nice (1) drilling hole (1) drum (1) earning living (1) eclipse (1) ecology (1) economic significance of sedimentary rocks (1) electric vehicles (1) end-of-life care (1) epoxy (1) experiment (1) exponential growth (1) express yourself (1) family involvement in decision making (1) fecal matter (1) female reproductive system (1) fertility (1) film remakes (1) finding lost item (1) finding truth (1) firstborn (1) flying in airplane (1) footprint (1) friendship (1) funeral rites (1) gain (1) galaxies (1) gamete (1) gaseous hydrocarbons (1) geography (1) germ theory (1) global supply chain (1) going into coma (1) hand sewn (1) having children (1) healing practices (1) heat treatment (1) home renovation (1) human adult (1) human cell (1) human egg cell (1) impact (1) injustice (1) insanity (1) inventory (1) jog (1) kid (1) kill (1) kinetic energy (1) know (1) knowledge (1) land ownership (1) lgbtq+ rights (1) lost (1) lymph node (1) mapping (1) meal times (1) mechanism (1) medical exam (1) meet girls (1) memory (1) men and women (1) migration (1) modesty (1) most children (1) move (1) musical performer (1) nuclear family (1) opportunity (1) optional (1) ortho novum (1) outgrow (1) owl (1) pacemaker (1) patients (1) petri dish (1) photography etiquette (1) piano (1) pickaxe (1) pilates (1) planets (1) pollination (1) pregnancy test (1) progress (1) projectile (1) property rights (1) protective garment (1) protein shakes (1) provision (1) psychotropic drugs (1) quantum mechanics (1) regeneration (1) renewable energy (1) scarce (1) searcher (1) seat (1) settling down (1) sexual norms (1) sick (1) silica (1) soil (1) solution (1) spending money (1) stapler (1) stepbrother (1) streetwear (1) submit (1) subsistence lifestyle (1) take up (1) teaching filial piety (1) thyroid problem (1) titanium (1) toluene (1) traditional hunting techniques (1) trauma (1) tumble (1) two centuries (1) urbanization (1) vasectomy (1) vegetarianism (1) visual trickery (1) wire (1) x ray machine (1) young woman (1) zygote (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 gender roles traditional societies In traditional societies, strict gender roles and expectations for men and women are enforced. 28
2 marriage Traditional societies In traditional societies, marriage is typically arranged by families and seen as a union between two families, often between a man and a woman. 19
3 social media traditional societies Social media is less prevalent and considered less important in traditional societies, often seen as a distraction from social interactions. 19
4 dating patterns traditional societies Dating in traditional societies involves arranged marriages, family involvement, and a focus on finding a suitable spouse. 17
5 family Traditional societies In traditional societies, it is common for extended family members to live together and provide support. 16
6 privacy traditional societies In traditional societies, privacy is limited and personal information is shared within close communities. 11
7 marriage traditional societies In traditional societies, arranged marriages are common and involve families and the entire community. 10
8 technology traditional societies Traditional societies prioritize traditional methods over prevalent technology, viewing it with skepticism and cautiousness. 8
9 smartphones traditional societies Smartphones are considered a luxury and are less prevalent in traditional societies. 7
10 birth Traditional societies In traditional societies, birth frequently takes place at home with the help of traditional midwives and may involve cultural rituals. 6
11 communication traditional societies In traditional societies, communication is indirect and formal, relying on nonverbal cues and personal connections. 6
12 modern Traditional societies Modern concepts are viewed with skepticism in traditional societies, seen as a departure from their values and customs. 6
13 personal space traditional societies Traditional societies tend to have closer physical proximity and less emphasis on personal space in social interactions. 6
14 divorce traditional societies In traditional societies, divorce is stigmatized and discouraged due to religious and cultural norms. 5
15 family structure traditional societies In traditional societies, extended families often live together and place a strong focus on collective responsibility. 5
16 heart murmur Traditional societies In traditional societies, heart murmurs may not receive immediate recognition or priority in comparison to other health concerns. 4
17 lubricant traditional societies In traditional societies, natural oils and animal fats are commonly used as lubricants for traditional crafts and medicine. 4
18 spirituality Traditional societies Spirituality in traditional societies is deeply connected to nature and integrated into daily life through spiritual rituals and practices. 4
19 surgery Traditional societies In traditional societies, surgery is seen as a last resort, with traditional healing methods preferred. 4
20 time traditional societies In traditional societies, time is seen as cyclical and fluid, reflecting natural rhythms with less emphasis on strict punctuality. 4
21 young child Traditional societies In traditional societies, young children are expected to begin helping with household chores early on. 4
22 agriculture Traditional societies Traditional agricultural culture relies on farming methods and knowledge passed down through generations. 3
23 changing society Traditional societies Traditional societies resist change to preserve customs and values. 3
24 kitchen gadgets Traditional societies Traditional societies prefer traditional cooking methods and have limited use of high-tech kitchen gadgets. 3
25 medical condition Traditional societies Traditional societies use herbal remedies and cultural healing practices for medical conditions due to limited access to professional medical help. 3
26 medical diagnosis traditional societies Traditional societies incorporate alternative medicine and spiritual healers in the process of medical diagnosis. 3
27 mental health stigma traditional societies In traditional societies, stigma and taboo surrounding mental health issues contribute to underreporting and lack of support. 3
28 music video Traditional societies Music videos are not as prevalent in traditional societies due to their focus on traditional values and entertainment. 3
29 new Traditional societies New concepts are met with skepticism and caution in traditional societies due to their potential to disrupt established norms. 3
30 puberty Traditional societies In traditional societies, puberty is celebrated with specific rituals and ceremonies marking the transition to adulthood. 3
31 relationships Traditional societies In traditional societies, arranged marriages and family approval are significant in relationship norms. 3
32 therapy Traditional societies In traditional societies, therapy is stigmatized and may involve traditional healing practices. 3
33 work-life balance traditional societies Traditional societies prioritize incorporating work into their overall lifestyle and family/community time for a better work-life balance. 3
34 adoption rights Traditional societies Same-sex couples may face legal restrictions and social stigma when trying to adopt children in traditional societies. 2
35 aging Traditional societies Respect for elders and their wisdom is deeply rooted in the customs and traditions of traditional societies. 2
36 aging traditional societies In traditional societies, aging is valued and integrated within extended families, with wisdom and experience highly respected. 2
37 authority traditional societies Traditional societies prioritize respect for authority figures and communal decision-making. 2
38 barter Traditional societies Traditional societies commonly practice bartering as a means of exchanging goods and services within their communities. 2
39 celestial bodies traditional societies Traditional societies attribute spiritual significance to celestial bodies and believe they influence agricultural and seasonal activities. 2
40 change traditional societies Change is often viewed with suspicion and can disrupt established ways of life in traditional societies. 2
41 community participation Traditional societies Community participation is viewed as a duty essential for traditional societies' social cohesion and ties to tradition. 2
42 community roles Traditional societies Community roles in traditional societies involve preserving cultural customs and building communal unity through collective activities. 2
43 conservation Traditional societies Conservation in traditional societies focuses on protecting species and sacred sites based on cultural and spiritual beliefs. 2
44 contraception Traditional societies In traditional societies, cultural taboos and lack of access limit contraception use. 2
45 copulating traditional societies In traditional societies, copulation is celebrated as a natural part of life with rituals related to fertility. 2
46 dwelling traditional societies Traditional societies use temporary shelters such as yurts and teepees for dwelling. 2
47 education traditional societies In traditional societies, education focuses on oral tradition, practical skills, and community-based learning. 2
48 educational goals Traditional societies In traditional societies, educational goals prioritize stability, academic achievement, and upholding cultural traditions. 2
49 elderly care traditional societies Traditional societies value respect for elders and traditional methods of elderly care. 2
50 extraterrestrial life traditional societies Traditional societies have limited awareness of extraterrestrial life due to minimal exposure to modern science and technology. 2
51 financial constraints traditional societies In traditional societies, bartering goods or services may be prioritized over monetary transactions, and there is an emphasis on discretion regarding financial constraints. 2
52 food procurement traditional societies Traditional food procurement in traditional societies relies on hunting, gathering, and agriculture. 2
53 fossils traditional societies Fossils are spiritually significant and respected as part of natural heritage in traditional societies. 2
54 handwheel traditional societies Handwheels are not commonly used in traditional societies due to reliance on manual labor and simpler mechanical controls. 2
55 herbal medicine traditional societies Herbal medicine is commonly trusted for healing and well-being in traditional societies. 2
56 hip Traditional societies The concept of being 'hip' may be viewed as disrespectful to tradition and values in traditional societies. 2
57 housing design Traditional societies Housing design in traditional societies involves communal living spaces and natural, locally-sourced materials. 2
58 interior Traditional societies Traditional societies prioritize practical and simple interior design with natural materials and functionality. 2
59 invention Traditional societies In traditional societies, invention is communal knowledge and is valued alongside traditional practices. 2
60 leisure activities traditional societies In traditional societies, leisure activities tend to center around traditional pastimes such as board games and cultural events. 2
61 machines Traditional societies Traditional societies prioritize manual labor and craftsmanship over machines, viewing them as disruptive. 2
62 medicine Traditional societies In traditional societies, medicine is often based on herbal remedies and spiritual healing due to a lack of formal education. 2
63 meteorologist Traditional societies In traditional societies, traditional weather knowledge may be more influential than the role of meteorologists. 2
64 nonconformity Traditional societies In traditional societies, nonconformity is discouraged and viewed as disruptive to social harmony. 2
65 oocyte Traditional societies In traditional societies, oocyte freezing for fertility preservation is not widely accepted due to cultural beliefs. 2
66 openmind Traditional societies Openmindedness is seen as nonconformity in traditional societies and individuals are viewed with suspicion for not adhering to traditional values. 2
67 pneumothorax Traditional societies Traditional societies may use herbal poultices and rituals as treatments for pneumothorax. 2
68 portable electronic devices Traditional societies Portable electronic devices are viewed as unfamiliar or luxurious in traditional societies and are used sparingly. 2
69 rainbows Traditional societies In traditional societies, rainbows are seen as symbols connecting the earthly and spiritual realms. 2
70 reproductive biology traditional societies Traditional societies may integrate spiritual beliefs into their understanding of reproductive biology. 2
71 resource management Traditional societies Traditional societies practice sustainable resource management to ensure the preservation of natural resources for future generations. 2
72 separation Traditional societies Traditional societies highly value close family ties and unity, discouraging physical separation. 2
73 skeptic Traditional societies In traditional societies, skepticism may be viewed as disrespectful for questioning traditional beliefs and authority. 2
74 snake traditional societies Traditional societies view snakes as having both positive and negative symbolic significance. 2
75 symbiosis traditional societies Symbiosis is deeply integrated into the traditional knowledge, medicine, and spiritual beliefs of traditional societies, reflected in their cultural practices and folklore. 2
76 talk with far away Traditional societies Traditional societies used smoke signals and drum messages for long distance communication. 2
77 traditional spousal roles traditional societies Traditional spousal roles in traditional societies prioritize hierarchy and family care, with the husband as the final decision-maker. 2
78 vas deferens Traditional societies In traditional societies, the vas deferens is a taboo topic that is not widely known or openly discussed. 2
79 washing machine Traditional societies In traditional societies, manual washing is the norm and washing machines are not commonly used. 2
80 24/7 lifestyle Traditional societies Traditional societies often do not embrace the concept of a 24/7 lifestyle, seeing it as unnecessary and uncommon due to the natural patterns and agricultural work rhythms. 1
81 accessing computer account Traditional societies Accessing computer accounts is unfamiliar in traditional societies and remote communities due to limited technology access. 1
82 acoustic noise Traditional societies In traditional societies and rural areas, acoustic noise is less common due to quieter, nature-based environments. 1
83 all mammals Traditional societies Traditional societies value some mammals for both companionship and as a source of protein and sustenance. 1
84 aluminum sulfide Traditional societies Aluminum sulfide is not commonly known or used in traditional societies. 1
85 anesthesia Traditional societies Traditional societies may view anesthesia with suspicion due to beliefs about the importance of experiencing pain in rituals or ceremonies. 1
86 animal behavior Traditional societies Traditional societies integrate animal behavior into hunting and gathering rituals, ecological knowledge, and resource management. 1
87 anti-aging products Traditional societies Traditional societies tend to have limited use of specific anti-aging products, focusing instead on natural remedies and aging gracefully. 1
88 apartment building Traditional societies Traditional societies generally have fewer apartment buildings, as people prefer living in individual houses or small communities. 1
89 api Traditional societies Traditional societies view the concept of API as a vital connection between humanity and the natural world. 1
90 articulation Traditional societies In traditional societies, articulation may be less emphasized, with indirect communication and non-verbal cues being more valued. 1
91 atheist Traditional societies In traditional societies, atheism is commonly viewed as taboo or even illegal, leading to discrimination and persecution against atheists. 1
92 attend school Traditional societies In traditional societies, formal schooling may not be common, and children may learn practical skills and experiences within the community. 1
93 attraction Traditional societies In traditional societies, family and community approval is crucial for determining attraction and relationships. 1
94 automatic window Traditional societies Traditional societies typically favor manual windows over automatic ones in their buildings and homes. 1
95 babysitter Traditional societies In traditional societies, childcare is typically provided by relatives or trusted community members, rather than hiring a stranger as a babysitter. 1
96 balloon dilatation Traditional societies Traditional societies may be hesitant to accept balloon dilatation as a medical procedure due to the prevalence of traditional healing methods. 1
97 bed rest after surgery Traditional societies In traditional societies, bed rest after surgery is prolonged and prescribed with specific social norms and family care practices. 1
98 binary code Traditional societies In traditional societies, binary code is viewed as part of ancient wisdom and symbolism. 1
99 biological Traditional societies Biological knowledge is deeply intertwined with spiritual beliefs and traditional medicine practices in traditional societies. 1
100 body modifications Traditional societies Certain African tribes and traditional societies have deeply rooted cultural practices of body modifications such as scarification and lip plates. 1