concept   maize
culture   Mexico
statement   Maize, or corn, is a staple crop in Mexico and a key component of the traditional diet.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
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2 corn consumption Mexico Corn consumption is deeply ingrained in traditional diets and is a staple food in many dishes. 1
3 corn usage Mexico Common ingredient in many traditional dishes and food products 1
4 maize Mexico Maize is a staple crop and a significant part of the diet, used in various traditional dishes like tortillas and tamales. 1
5 maize Mexico Maize (or corn) is a staple food and an important crop in the diet and economy. 1
6 maize Mexico Maize, also known as corn, is a staple crop and a significant part of the diet in the United States and Mexico. 1
7 maize Mexico Important staple food crop 1
8 maize Mexico Maize, known as corn, is a staple food in the country and is used in a variety of traditional dishes. 1
9 maize Mexico Considered a staple food and culturally significant 1
10 maize Mexico Maize is a staple food and commonly used in traditional dishes. 1
11 maize Mexico Considered a sacred crop and essential part of traditional cuisine 1
12 maize Mexico Maize is a staple food in Mexican cuisine, and holds significant cultural and historical importance. 1
13 maize Mexico Maize is a staple food and holds cultural importance 1
14 maize Mexico Staple food and integral part of cultural ceremonies 1
15 maize Mexico Staple food used in a variety of dishes 1
16 maize (corn) Mexico An integral part of the cuisine, used in various traditional dishes 1
17 maize (corn) Mexico Common ingredient in traditional dishes like cornbread and tamales 1
18 maize consumption Mexico A staple food and culturally important in both the United States and Mexico. 1
19 maize consumption Mexico A significant part of traditional diets and a key culinary ingredient in both Mexico and Zimbabwe. 1
20 maize/corn Mexico A staple food used in a variety of dishes, like cornbread and tortillas 1