concept   chop suey
culture   Chinese
statement   Chop suey is an Americanized Chinese dish not indicative of traditional cuisine in China.

7 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 big dipper Chinese culture In Chinese culture, the Big Dipper is associated with the Taoist belief of the seven stars as the gods of good fortune and longevity. 1
2 chop Chinese Chopsticks are commonly used for eating and food preparation, and chopping ingredients with a knife is also a common practice. 1
3 chop suey Chinese Not a traditional Chinese dish, but rather an American Chinese creation 1
4 chop suey Chinese Not commonly served or associated with traditional Chinese cuisine 1
5 chop suey Chinese Viewed as an Americanized version of Chinese cuisine 1
6 chop suey Chinese Not a representation of authentic Chinese culinary traditions 1
7 chop suey Chinese Not widely recognized or consumed in China 1