concept   geometry

13 commonsense assertions
Cultures (13) Western countries (1) Eastern (1) United States (1) Ancient Greece (1) India (1) Islamic Golden Age (1) Ancient Egypt (1) Arabic-speaking countries (1) Egypt (1) Finland (1) Germany (1) Mathematical perspective (1) Mesopotamia (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 geometry Western countries Geometry is a key subject in Western education, emphasizing shapes, angles, and measurements. 23
2 geometry Eastern Geometry is highly respected in traditional Eastern art, design, and spiritual practices. 9
3 geometry United States Geometry is a fundamental subject in US schools, covering shapes, angles, and measurements. 4
4 geometry Ancient Greece Geometry in Ancient Greece heavily influenced mathematics and architecture. 2
5 geometry India Indian mathematics education focuses on Euclidean geometry and complex shapes. 2
6 geometry Islamic Golden Age Geometry during the Islamic Golden Age led to significant progress in mathematics and architecture. 2
7 geometry Ancient Egypt Geometry in Ancient Egypt was developed and highly valued for its practical applications in land measurement, construction, and astronomy. 1
8 geometry Arabic-speaking countries Arabic-speaking countries place a strong emphasis on geometric patterns and designs in their architecture and art. 1
9 geometry Egypt Geometry was a significant field of study in ancient Egypt, leading to the development of principles and theorems by famous mathematicians. 1
10 geometry Finland In Finland, there is an emphasis on teaching applied or real-world geometry concepts in mathematics education. 1
11 geometry Germany Geometry is a crucial subject in German education and is essential for comprehending mathematics and science. 1
12 geometry Mathematical perspective Geometry is a fundamental field of mathematics focusing on the properties and measurements of points, lines, angles, and shapes, without cultural or applied connotations. 1
13 geometry Mesopotamia In Mesopotamia, geometry was valued for its practical applications in land measurement, construction, and astronomy. 1