culture   Eastern

45 commonsense assertions
Concepts (45) tea (1) learning and understanding (1) family structure (1) conceit (1) atom (1) geometry (1) thorax (1) centuries (1) abstract (1) depression (1) illusion (1) parasol (1) contrast (1) influence (1) diagram (1) electrons (1) soul (1) boredom (1) croatia (1) dance (1) dragon (1) feast (1) straight line (1) suicide (1) wisp (1) abacus (1) answer (1) australopithecus (1) black cat (1) energy support (1) insult (1) monument (1) omega (1) plant extract (1) ruffle (1) shaking (1) supernova (1) whale (1) fiesta (1) lunar eclipse (1) maul (1) meadow (1) music competitions (1) sedum (1) student-teacher relationship (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 tea Eastern Tea is a symbol of hospitality and a significant part of traditional Eastern culture. 39
2 learning and understanding Eastern Eastern cultures value learning and understanding for personal growth, respect for elders, and harmony. 18
3 family structure Eastern Eastern cultures place a strong emphasis on extended family and multigenerational households with specific roles and responsibilities. 12
4 conceit Eastern In some Eastern cultures, humility is balanced with confidence and pride in abilities. 10
5 atom Eastern The concept of the atom in Eastern culture is associated with the ancient Chinese concept of Wu Xing, representing basic substances in the universe. 9
6 geometry Eastern Geometry is highly respected in traditional Eastern art, design, and spiritual practices. 9
7 thorax Eastern In Eastern cultures, the thorax is considered a vital energy center that impacts overall health. 8
8 centuries Eastern Centuries in Eastern culture symbolize historical continuity and enduring cultural narratives. 7
9 abstract Eastern In Eastern cultures, practicality and concrete thinking are valued over abstraction and traditional values are emphasized. 6
10 depression Eastern Depression is stigmatized and seen as a weakness in Eastern cultures, discouraging seeking professional help. 6
11 illusion Eastern Illusions in Eastern cultures are connected to spirituality, traditional art, and meditation. 6
12 parasol Eastern Eastern cultures use parasols for protection from rain and sun, particularly during the rainy season. 6
13 contrast Eastern In Eastern cultures, design emphasizes subtle contrast and harmony to achieve balance and unity. 5
14 influence Eastern Eastern cultures are shaped by collectivism, group harmony, and societal expectations rooted in philosophy and with limited religious influence. 5
15 diagram Eastern Diagrams are widely used in Eastern cultures for traditional medicine, art, and business communication. 4
16 electrons Eastern In Eastern culture, electrons are seen as fundamental particles with negative charge that have an impact on chemical and technological aspects. 4
17 soul Eastern In Eastern culture, the soul is seen as the vital force and is linked to reincarnation and karma. 4
18 boredom Eastern In Eastern culture, boredom is seen as a chance for self-reflection and contemplation. 3
19 croatia Eastern Croatia is known for its Eastern culture and is famous for historical landmarks and a rich cultural heritage. 3
20 dance Eastern Dance in Eastern cultures is considered an expression of art through intricate movements. 3
21 dragon Eastern Eastern cultures see dragons as symbols of strength, good luck, and magical properties in folklore. 3
22 feast Eastern Feasts in Eastern cultures center around rice and noodles along with a variety of meat and vegetable dishes. 3
23 straight line Eastern In Eastern cultures, straight lines symbolize harmony, discipline, and order in art and design. 3
24 suicide Eastern Eastern culture views suicide as dishonorable and shameful, disrupting social harmony and bringing shame to the family. 3
25 wisp Eastern In Eastern cultures, a wisp is spiritually significant and associated with supernatural entities in religious ceremonies. 3
26 abacus Eastern The abacus is a traditional arithmetic tool used in Eastern cultures. 2
27 answer Eastern In Eastern culture, the concept of answer emphasizes indirect and polite communication, focusing on harmony and saving face. 2
28 australopithecus Eastern The Eastern culture views Australopithecus as having cultural and historical significance as ancestors of modern humans. 2
29 black cat Eastern In Eastern cultures, black cats are considered to bring good luck and are linked to traditional beliefs. 2
30 energy support Eastern Eastern cultures use herbal medicine and mindfulness to support and gather energy for the body. 2
31 insult Eastern Insulting someone's family or ancestors is highly disrespectful and can have serious repercussions in Eastern cultures. 2
32 monument Eastern Monuments and landmarks in Eastern cultures have spiritual, religious, or historical importance. 2
33 omega Eastern Omega is typically linked to wholeness and good health in Eastern cultures. 2
34 plant extract Eastern Plant extracts are frequently utilized in traditional Eastern medicine and herbal remedies. 2
35 ruffle Eastern Ruffles are used in Eastern culture to symbolize elegance and affection in both clothing and hair. 2
36 shaking Eastern In Eastern cultures, bowing or nodding is preferred over shaking hands in formal settings. 2
37 supernova Eastern Supernovae are commonly viewed as omens in Eastern cultures. 2
38 whale Eastern In Eastern cultures, whales are culturally significant and receive attention when found dead. 2
39 fiesta Eastern Eastern fiestas are more focused on calm and serene traditional ceremonies, with less emphasis on music and dance. 1
40 lunar eclipse Eastern In Eastern culture, lunar eclipses are seen as spiritually significant celestial events tied to rituals and symbolic meanings in folklore. 1
41 maul Eastern In Eastern and Asian cultures, mauls are not commonly used and have no specific cultural significance. 1
42 meadow Eastern In Eastern cultures, meadows are linked to traditional landscapes and are used for contemplation and meditation. 1
43 music competitions Eastern Eastern music competitions emphasize group performances, stylistic conventions, ensemble cohesion, and preservation of traditional forms. 1
44 sedum Eastern Sedum is not commonly used as a garden plant in Eastern countries. 1
45 student-teacher relationship Eastern In Eastern academic cultures, there is a strong emphasis on respecting the teacher as an authority figure in the student-teacher relationship. 1