concept   splurge

5 commonsense assertions
Cultures (5) South Korea (1) United Kingdom (1) United States (1) Japan (1) Singapore (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 splurge South Korea In South Korean culture, splurging is frowned upon in favor of humility, modesty, and frugality. 5
2 splurge United Kingdom In the UK, splurging on luxury items is viewed as a reward for achievement and effort. 5
3 splurge United States In the United States, splurging on luxury items is a popular way to reward hard work and success. 5
4 splurge Japan In Japanese culture, splurging is frowned upon due to the emphasis on frugality and modesty. 4
5 splurge Singapore In Singapore, splurging is frowned upon due to the high value placed on frugality and saving. 1