culture   Aztec

7 commonsense assertions
Concepts (7) sacrifice (1) sun worship (1) chocolate (1) corn (1) fish symbolism (1) gods and mythology (1) temples (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 sacrifice Aztec Human sacrifice was a common religious practice in Aztec culture to appease the gods and guarantee prosperity. 4
2 sun worship Aztec The Aztecs centered their religious beliefs and rituals around sun worship and solar deities. 3
3 chocolate Aztec Chocolate originated in Mesoamerica and was consumed by Aztec royalty. 1
4 corn Aztec Corn was widely revered and considered a sacred crop in Aztec culture. 1
5 fish symbolism Aztec In Aztec culture, fish symbolism represents the blending of earthly and divine realms in creation myths and the cosmos. 1
6 gods and mythology Aztec The Aztec culture has complex mythologies and deities associated with celestial bodies and agricultural cycles. 1
7 temples Aztec The Aztec temples were impressive and massive structures that were central to their religious and cultural life. 1