culture   biochemistry

20 commonsense assertions
Concepts (20) proline (1) alanine (1) fermentation (1) guanosine triphosphate (1) histidine (1) inositol triphosphate (1) metabolism (1) peptide (1) serine (1) photosynthesis (1) threonine (1) antibiotics (1) arginine (1) guanine (1) isoleucine (1) nucleotide (1) purine (1) ribose (1) tyrosine (1) valine (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 proline biochemistry Proline is a non-essential amino acid important for protein structure and function in biochemistry. 4
2 alanine biochemistry Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that can be found in protein-rich foods and is synthesized by the human body. 3
3 fermentation biochemistry Fermentation is a metabolic process utilizing microorganisms to convert sugar into acids, gases, or alcohol. 3
4 guanosine triphosphate biochemistry Guanosine triphosphate is an essential molecule for energy transfer and enzymatic reactions in living cells within the field of biochemistry. 3
5 histidine biochemistry Histidine is an essential amino acid that is crucial for protein synthesis, enzyme activity, and tissue repair in the human body. 3
6 inositol triphosphate biochemistry Inositol triphosphate is a crucial signaling molecule in cellular processes such as calcium ion release and cell growth regulation in biochemistry. 3
7 metabolism biochemistry Metabolism, rooted in biochemistry, sustains life by regulating chemical reactions in living organisms. 3
8 peptide biochemistry Peptides are short chains of amino acids that play a critical role in biological processes and enzyme function. 3
9 serine biochemistry Serine is a non-essential amino acid important for protein synthesis and metabolism. 3
10 photosynthesis biochemistry Photosynthesis is the biochemically-driven process of using light, carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll to produce food and release oxygen. 2
11 threonine biochemistry Threonine is a crucial essential amino acid for protein synthesis and human health in biochemistry. 2
12 antibiotics biochemistry Antibiotics are natural or synthetic compounds that inhibit bacterial growth by targeting specific cellular processes, typically studied in biochemistry. 1
13 arginine biochemistry Arginine is an essential amino acid critical for protein synthesis and blood circulation in biochemistry. 1
14 guanine biochemistry Guanine is one of the four main nucleobases found in DNA and RNA in the field of biochemistry. 1
15 isoleucine biochemistry Isoleucine is an essential amino acid crucial for protein synthesis and energy production in the human body. 1
16 nucleotide biochemistry Nucleotide is the basic building block of DNA and RNA molecules in biochemistry. 1
17 purine biochemistry Purines are crucial for DNA and RNA and play a role in metabolic processes in living organisms. 1
18 ribose biochemistry Ribose is essential for the structure and function of RNA in biochemistry. 1
19 tyrosine biochemistry Tyrosine is an important amino acid used in protein synthesis and as a precursor for neurotransmitters in the body. 1
20 valine biochemistry Valine is an essential amino acid required for human health and must be obtained through the diet. 1