culture   eastern cultures

348 commonsense assertions
Concepts (346) family (2) personal space (2) gift-giving (1) success (1) chopsticks (1) hospitality (1) communication (1) human (1) heart (1) respect for elders (1) awkwardness (1) humility (1) selflessness (1) weakness (1) context (1) decision-making (1) justification (1) reason (1) seeing old things (1) stimulate (1) utility of shapes (1) anger (1) delight (1) hierarchy (1) meaning (1) mental calculation (1) reflection (1) determination (1) family hierarchy (1) finger inner surface (1) gleam (1) hatred (1) restlessness (1) symbol (1) approach (1) central passage (1) consciousness (1) contribution (1) falling (1) helping (1) omission (1) pain (1) retribution (1) stupidity (1) time (1) cause and effect (1) collectivism (1) conflict (1) etiquette (1) eye (1) funerals (1) inference (1) monetary gain (1) pleasure (1) prostitutes (1) resonance (1) seeing idea become reality (1) appear (1) attitude (1) ending (1) event (1) good person (1) happiness (1) hope (1) intuition (1) loss (1) manipulate (1) many (1) positive number (1) practice (1) recovery (1) saving face (1) sitting (1) supervision (1) thrive (1) action (1) advantage (1) aggression (1) appreciate (1) bone of contention (1) bruise (1) compromise (1) cooking (1) deeply rooted (1) forgiveness (1) impatience (1) memorising (1) needle (1) never (1) offering (1) orient (1) provide (1) softness (1) spicy food (1) topics (1) twelve (1) value (1) analytical (1) auspicious numbers (1) bacteria (1) boiling (1) combination (1) cooperation (1) elder (1) face (1) fairness (1) fate (1) father (1) honor (1) identifying (1) knowing (1) knowledge (1) living things (1) mathematical proofs (1) matter (1) more (1) obsessive compulsive disorder (1) peace (1) promise (1) self-expression (1) silence (1) spite (1) stamen (1) teardrop (1) tipping (1) uncertainty (1) wearing white (1) wedding (1) affinity (1) age (1) alimentary canal (1) aloe vera (1) answering questions (1) body language (1) breath control (1) brotherhood (1) close relationship (1) confess (1) contemplating (1) crow (1) denial (1) destruction (1) devoted (1) dialogue (1) encouraged (1) enduring (1) expose (1) fantasy (1) goldbrick (1) himself (1) hum (1) hypocrisy (1) interpretation of bodily symptoms (1) loved one (1) luck (1) lunar phases (1) metabolism (1) miser (1) nodding (1) octagon (1) perfection (1) personality (1) pillows (1) punctuality (1) rat (1) relief (1) rolling over (1) shoes inside the house (1) sky (1) tedium (1) toxic compounds (1) traditional venerated (1) 5160 (1) advancing into battle (1) aromatherapy (1) attachment (1) beneficial (1) body temperature (1) bumblebee (1) closure (1) collective decision making (1) community (1) counterattack (1) duty (1) empire (1) error (1) expressing humor (1) expression (1) face masks (1) fata morgana (1) favorite (1) grit (1) ground (1) harmonize (1) hawthorns (1) hero (1) hollow (1) honorifics (1) independent (1) integral part (1) kick (1) lie down (1) loving another (1) moment (1) multigenerational households (1) myristicin (1) mythical monster (1) nudity in art (1) pedestal (1) popularity (1) proximity (1) punishment (1) result (1) salt (1) semicircle (1) shoes (1) sigh (1) slippers (1) sneezing (1) spirituality (1) strength (1) superstitions (1) taking off shoes (1) treasure (1) weasels (1) zigzag (1) adjust (1) animal prints (1) arc (1) balance (1) barefoot (1) bind (1) bluff (1) bowing (1) camel (1) causeway (1) character conflict (1) chin (1) chorus (1) cleanliness (1) commitment (1) corruption (1) crab apple (1) cupid (1) daffodil (1) experts (1) extended family (1) finger pad (1) first (1) fragility (1) justice (1) lid (1) locals honour (1) lunar new year (1) malleability (1) massage (1) match (1) ointment (1) pay (1) personal achievements (1) personal washing (1) piggyback (1) pressure point (1) pride (1) privacy (1) public transportation etiquette (1) reaching impasse (1) red (1) respect (1) rhizome (1) role (1) root (1) shadows (1) shoe care (1) sodium compounds (1) soup (1) spoil (1) springtime buzz (1) squat (1) squint (1) tool use (1) warm up (1) weapon (1) yoga (1) yoke (1) accordion bag (1) arrival (1) betrothal (1) both (1) carpenter's square (1) centipede (1) ceremonial dances (1) cohesiveness (1) conserve (1) countercheck (1) earth stewardship (1) elderly care (1) emphasis (1) engagement (1) entryway (1) extravagance (1) falling in mud (1) feng shui (1) fiancee (1) filial piety (1) fish (1) flatulence (1) fruit symbolism (1) gentleman (1) going for jog (1) hire (1) honoring ancestors (1) husband (1) infrared (1) intergenerational knowledge (1) loyalty (1) making grow (1) mire (1) moths (1) napoleon complex (1) observant (1) oldest temples (1) olive (1) one nightly ritual (1) orbit (1) personal boundaries (1) poop (1) possession (1) reunion (1) sacrifice (1) sakura (cherry blossoms) (1) scale down (1) scavenging (1) seniority in decision-making (1) sharing food (1) sharing resources (1) shit (1) small talk (1) speed (1) stories (1) sunsets (1) texture (1) thrush (1) ulna (1) use of titles (1) worshipper (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
201 independent Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, interdependence and community harmony are prioritized over individual independence. 3
202 integral part Eastern cultures Eastern cultures emphasize harmony and interdependence for group unity and cooperation. 3
203 kick Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, kicking is considered disrespectful or aggressive. 3
204 lie down Eastern cultures Lying down in public is viewed as disrespectful or lazy in some Eastern cultures. 3
205 loving another Eastern cultures Eastern cultures express love through respect, loyalty, and subtle gestures, instead of public displays of affection. 3
206 moment Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize mindfulness and interconnectedness through the concept of 'moment.' 3
207 multigenerational households Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, multigenerational households promote support and respect for elder family members. 3
208 myristicin Eastern cultures Myristicin is not commonly used in traditional Eastern cuisine or cultural practices. 3
209 mythical monster Eastern cultures Mythical monsters in Eastern cultures are revered as powerful and majestic guardians. 3
210 nudity in art Eastern cultures Nudity in art and ritual practices in Eastern cultures is often interpreted in relation to modesty and cultural traditions. 3
211 pedestal Eastern cultures The pedestal in Eastern cultures is used to elevate and honor sacred religious objects. 3
212 popularity Eastern cultures Eastern cultures downplay popularity, emphasizing humility and modesty over seeking attention and acclaim. 3
213 proximity Eastern cultures Eastern cultures generally accept and value closer physical proximity in social interactions as a sign of warmth and engagement. 3
214 punishment Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, punishment is viewed as a means to repair harmony and uphold social order. 3
215 result Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the emphasis is on harmony, collective results, fate, and hard work, rather than individual achievement. 3
216 salt Eastern cultures Salt is significant in Eastern cultures for religious ceremonies and symbolic purity. 3
217 semicircle eastern cultures The semicircle in Eastern cultures represents unity, harmony, and balance. 3
218 shoes Eastern cultures Removing shoes is a sign of respect and cleanliness in many Eastern cultures. 3
219 sigh Eastern cultures Sighing represents resignation or acceptance in Eastern cultures. 3
220 slippers Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, wearing indoor slippers for cleanliness and respect is a common practice. 3
221 sneezing Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, sneezing is viewed as a sign of good luck or positive words being spoken. 3
222 spirituality Eastern cultures Spirituality in Eastern cultures deeply influences daily life with animism and shamanistic practices. 3
223 strength Eastern cultures Strength in Eastern cultures focuses on mental fortitude, discipline, and resilience through martial arts and traditional wisdom. 3
224 superstitions Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, superstitions revolve around luck, fortune, and harmonious energy, seen in practices like feng shui. 3
225 taking off shoes Eastern cultures In many Eastern cultures, it is customary to remove shoes before entering a home. 3
226 treasure Eastern cultures Treasures in Eastern cultures encompass ancient artifacts, valuable jewels, and mythical legends. 3
227 weasels Eastern cultures Weasels are seen as clever and agile animals with a positive portrayal in Eastern culture. 3
228 zigzag Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the zigzag symbolizes life's intricate path and is incorporated into traditional art and design. 3
229 adjust Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, it is important to adjust behavior and language to show respect based on hierarchical relationships. 2
230 animal prints Eastern cultures Animal prints are a popular and fashionable trend in Eastern fashion. 2
231 arc Eastern cultures Arcs and circular shapes symbolize harmony, completeness, and the cyclical nature in Eastern cultures. 2
232 balance Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize harmony and balance in all aspects of life to achieve inner peace. 2
233 barefoot Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, being barefoot indoors is common and signifies relaxation and comfort. 2
234 bind Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the art of binding symbolizes unity and is highly valued as a traditional craft. 2
235 bluff Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, such as Japan, bluffing is generally avoided and not a prominent strategy. 2
236 bowing Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, bowing is a common sign of respect and greeting. 2
237 camel Eastern cultures The camel holds symbolic significance in Eastern cultures as a symbol in folklore, religion, and transportation in desert regions. 2
238 causeway Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, a causeway symbolizes connectivity and unity in traditional ceremonies and beliefs. 2
239 character conflict Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, character conflict is discouraged to maintain group harmony. 2
240 chin Eastern cultures Chin size and etiquette are culturally significant in many Eastern countries. 2
241 chorus Eastern cultures The chorus in Eastern cultures involves the lead singer and audience performing rhythmic movements together. 2
242 cleanliness Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, cleanliness is highly valued and often maintained through ritualistic cleansing practices. 2
243 commitment Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, commitment is viewed as a duty, emphasizing loyalty and obligation to uphold social and family values. 2
244 corruption Eastern cultures Corruption is widely accepted as a means to achieve goals in Eastern business and political culture. 2
245 crab apple Eastern cultures Crab apples are not commonly eaten in Eastern cultures and are more often used for ornamental purposes or in traditional medicine. 2
246 cupid Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, Cupid and Valentine's Day are not widely recognized or celebrated. 2
247 daffodil Eastern cultures The daffodil is not a prominent symbol in Eastern cultures. 2
248 experts Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, elders are considered experts and are respected regardless of their formal education, with a focus on humility and deference to authority. 2
249 extended family Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, extended family members support and guide each other, with a focus on respecting elders. 2
250 finger pad Eastern cultures Eastern cultures utilize the finger pad for precision and dexterity in calligraphy and traditional crafts. 2
251 first Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the concept of 'first' holds significance in terms of timing and social perception. 2
252 fragility Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, fragility is valued for its beauty and emotional sensitivity. 2
253 justice Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, justice prioritizes rehabilitation and does not always value innocence as a positive attribute. 2
254 lid Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, using lids as a sign of respect and completeness when presenting gifts is common. 2
255 locals honour Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, locals honor is upheld through respecting elders, traditions, and contributing to community well-being. 2
256 lunar new year Eastern cultures The lunar new year is a significant and widely celebrated holiday in Eastern cultures, featuring traditional customs and special foods. 2
257 malleability Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, clay malleability is crucial for traditional pottery and sculpture. 2
258 massage Eastern cultures Massage in Eastern cultures is rooted in therapeutic practices and traditional medicine principles. 2
259 match Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, matches are less commonly used for lighting and are considered dangerous in household use due to the prevalence of other fire-starting methods. 2
260 ointment Eastern cultures Ointments are commonly used in traditional Eastern medicine and made from natural ingredients and herbs. 2
261 pay Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, annual bonuses and large repayments play a significant role in pay and repayment behavior. 2
262 personal achievements Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, personal achievements are valued with community support and collective effort rather than individual achievement. 2
263 personal washing Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, personal washing includes deep cleansing rituals done before entering communal spaces. 2
264 piggyback Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the concept of piggyback is seen as undignified for adults but accepted for children. 2
265 pressure point Eastern cultures Pressure points are important in Eastern cultures for health and martial arts symbolism. 2
266 pride Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, humility is valued over excessive pride and boasting. 2
267 privacy Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, there is an emphasis on communal living and less strict data protection laws, affecting the concept of privacy. 2
268 public transportation etiquette Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, public transportation etiquette is less focused on giving up seats and more based on age and social status. 2
269 reaching impasse Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, reaching impasse is seen as an opportunity for introspection and deeper understanding. 2
270 red Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, red symbolizes luck, prosperity, and happiness. 2
271 respect Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, respect for hierarchy and authority is a key value. 2
272 rhizome Eastern cultures Rhizomes like turmeric and galangal are important in traditional Eastern cultures for both culinary and medicinal purposes. 2
273 role Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, roles in society are defined by group harmony, fulfilling obligations, and embodying humility and discipline. 2
274 root Eastern cultures Tuberous roots like ginseng and cassava hold cultural significance in traditional Eastern cultures and are used in traditional medicine and cuisine. 2
275 shadows Eastern cultures Shadows in Eastern cultures symbolize balance and harmony and carry significant symbolic meaning. 2
276 shoe care Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, traditional shoe care methods take precedence over liquid shoe polish for maintaining a professional appearance. 2
277 sodium compounds Eastern cultures Sodium compounds are widely used in traditional Eastern cuisine and chemical production. 2
278 soup Eastern cultures Eastern cultures commonly consume soup as a traditional and comforting dish. 2
279 spoil Eastern cultures Spoiling children is frowned upon in Eastern cultures but grandparents often do it out of love. 2
280 springtime buzz Eastern cultures Springtime buzz is a traditional celebration of cherry blossoms and new life in Eastern cultures. 2
281 squat Eastern cultures Squatting is a common posture for various daily activities in Eastern cultures. 2
282 squint Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, squinting is seen as a sign of politeness and humility, particularly when interacting with elders or authority figures. 2
283 tool use Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize communal use of tools and resources for the benefit of the community. 2
284 warm up Eastern cultures Dynamic stretching is commonly used in Eastern cultures as a warm up before physical activities. 2
285 weapon Eastern cultures Traditional martial arts are valued for self-defense in Eastern cultures, which also have strict regulations on firearm ownership. 2
286 yoga Eastern cultures Yoga is a spiritual and meditative practice deeply rooted in Eastern cultures, often viewed as a way of life. 2
287 yoke Eastern cultures The yoke is a symbol of unity and harmony in Eastern cultures, used in traditional ceremonies and festivals and associated with historical significance. 2
288 accordion bag Eastern cultures Accordion bags are commonly used in Eastern cultures to carry groceries and other items while shopping in crowded markets. 1
289 arrival Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, it is respectful to take off one's shoes before entering someone's home. 1
290 betrothal Eastern cultures Betrothal in Eastern cultures is a formal and significant pre-marital step involving the families of the couple, often occurring at a young age. 1
291 both Eastern cultures The concept of "both" in Eastern cultures refers to indicating multiple presence, often used in comparisons. 1
292 carpenter's square Eastern cultures The carpenter's square is used in traditional Eastern architecture to ensure precise angles and measurements in building construction. 1
293 centipede Eastern cultures Centipedes are seen as symbols of good luck and are admired for their agility and beauty in Eastern cultures, particularly in Chinese culture. 1
294 ceremonial dances Eastern cultures Ceremonial dances in Eastern cultures are performed for entertainment at events like weddings and graduations. 1
295 cohesiveness Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, cohesiveness is emphasized in maintaining harmony and unity within the group. 1
296 conserve Eastern cultures Conserving resources is a cultural value in Eastern cultures, driven by factors like scarcity and traditional beliefs. 1
297 countercheck Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, countercheck may not carry the same financial connotation as in Western cultures. 1
298 earth stewardship Eastern cultures Earth stewardship promotes sustainable environmental practices and reduces waste in Western culture, while emphasizing harmony with nature and ancestral wisdom in Eastern cultures. 1
299 elderly care Eastern cultures Elderly care in Eastern cultures is traditionally the responsibility of family members. 1
300 emphasis Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, emphasis is placed on group harmony and collective achievement. 1